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A Culture Shock(?)

October 17, 2018
I am very surprised how fast the time goes by! My last diary was more than two weeks ago. To be honest, though I have a lot of problem in English still, I am getting used to "living abroad". During this two weeks, my flat had run out of hot water twice! It was freezing…
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Recent Entries

  • A night owl
    October 3, 2018
    I am a night owl rather than an early bird. Yesterday, I slept at 3 am! I know I should go to bed earlier, but I can't for some reasons. I have a kind of insomnia possibly, because it is difficult for me much or less to go to sleep, in other words, it takes…
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  • Studying abroad, how can I make the most of this chance?
    October 1, 2018
    When I cooked meal just now, a Canadian flatmate asked me, "what's gonna do?" probably, but I answered what I did today because I thought that I was asked what I did today. I am not sure because she won't tell me anything if I make mistake. I feel embarrassed about it, but it is…
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  • The language problem from a different perspective
    September 30, 2018
    When I browsed my Twitter timeline, I found a very interesting post by a Japanese master student from the same university with me, Sussex. According to him, what he is sorry about is that he can speak English. I was shocked at first, because you know, what I struggle with the most here is ENGLISH...
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  • British University Life for A Japanese-2
    September 28, 2018
    I have a good news. I got a PC monitor from a man on Gumtree! It was a really good deal for me(hopefully both of us). Thirty pounds for a PC monitor with a HDMI cable is reasonable. Is Gumtree a popular website in the UK? I like websites like Gumtree which is very convenient…
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