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One entry every 4 years aint bad?

November 21, 2022
Well lo and behold, seems I have a small window here to offer an entry. I wonder if I triggered a free month by logging in, or if everyone got a free month? I wonder why I randomly logged in in the first place. I suppose it was to reminisce. I was a much better…
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Recent Entries

  • These are the subway walls.
    February 25, 2018
    They played that buttmetal cover of "the sound of silence" at my buddy's funeral last month, complete with music video, up on a big pull down screen over his casket. I enjoy the cover, but it's hard to take it seriously when the singer makes that angry/constipated face during the more dramatic sw...
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  • Fell in love with the wind
    February 22, 2018
    My. It has been a minute.   Regretfully faithful readers, yours truly is not quite what he once was. In the years since we last spoke I have carved my identity into the world by throwing myself at one impossible task after the next, always failing, but eventually succeeding, at every turn. I...
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  • Loving the death rattle effect
    January 31, 2014
    For the first time in like 5 years I've been reading other people's diaries and enjoying what I've been reading. This whole 'the end is nigh' thing is really bringing out the best in folks-- probably because most of the people writing are people who haven't bothered in years. Everyone's grasping ...
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  • Oh Christmas Tree
    December 6, 2013
    Can't stop thinking about shitty christmas ornaments. Specifically, ornaments made out of paper plates, elmer's glue, and macaroni noodles. In my home town they put up a giant christmas tree on main street mid december, right in the middle of the road, just past the last big intersection before y...
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  • Dream Haunting
    September 4, 2013
    Last night I fell asleep anxious, and my anxiety bled into my dreams. Terrible, nightmarish things, in lands of eternal nightfall and claustrophobic thrashings. I beheld at once an old building-- tall, but not so much as the trees surrounding it-- bathed in starlight and shadow. At one end was a ...
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  • Just Tonight?
    August 18, 2013
    The relationship between beauty and fragility is no big secret. No big epiphany, no big necessary explanation, and no big deal really. Though it's amazing how often it crops up, and how seldom I reflect on it...tonight being an exception to that, in one of the few sets of quiet morning hours at t...
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  • August Stars
    August 12, 2013
    Autumn cometh early this year, eh? What's up with that? Wherever did the time go. Back to school shopping again. Time to try on some new pants. Gird myself for the oncoming stiffness. Things are quiet now. Very quiet. Not sure what to make of it, other than the fact that I adore it, other…
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  • Insomnia and the distortion of time
    July 14, 2013
    Did you know that our sense of time gets distorted as we grow tired? In your heart of hearts you did. That's why in the wee hours of the morning, when you can't sleep, you find yourself dwelling on the past; on every decision you ever made; while the future stretches out almost too intimidatingly...
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  • all the fuckin’ work I need
    June 22, 2013
    After boasting no more than a couple hours sleep for a few days in a row, I finally got a good solid ten last night, and woke up feeling like I had been hulk-smashed at some point in my sleep. Too much goddamn man's work. First attempt at replacing the rear suspension system in my…
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