Not sure if I am limited in characters, so I will try and make this as short and to the point as possible. [<--- Adding that might have taken needed characters.] [<--- That too.]
I grew up without a good father figure. Was sent to live with my grandparents in another town by the age of 12. Started a gang as I entered into High School and got into all types of shenanigans. Even before my involvement with this group and a little after as well.
(I will try to share as much as I can from different stages of my life, however the order in which I post them will most likely not be in any type of order. I will clarify by saying how old I was at the time.)

From everything to gang brawls to first dates, I will try and give as much detail as I can so that you can really get a good look into my past, as well as extract who I am today. Currently I am happily married and taking steps towards becoming a published author. Who knows? You might just be reading the blog of a future famous author.

[^^^Looks like they provided more characters than I anticipated.^^^]

EDIT: I suppose it is worth mentioning that for the most part I will remain anonymous to protect my identity, as much as can be protected anyway. Shrug.

Latest Entry

September 27th 2006

August 30, 2019
"Rob, Rob, Rob, - - - Not much lately; well, I got into a fight with this guy behind Gamerz Asylum, and it was pretty cool. [Okay, so if I am remembering correctly, this was the last time that I participated in the little fight club behind Gamerz Asylum. I don't believe that I recorded…
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Recent Entries

  • July 24th 2006 (4:00am)
    August 30, 2019
    No commentary on this one either. Enjoy!   "Hmm, I have the house to myself right now, but I'm just sitting outside writing, wanting to call people and about to have a cigarette. Nothing much to write. Well, Vampyre and I started a gang and we call ourselves the "Swamp Angels". To join you h...
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  • Entry to Journal (Rob 1/2). April 1st 2006
    August 30, 2019
    Just flipped open the cover and decided, "hey, this entry to the entire journal should be worth putting on here!". So, this will be chronologically out of order. I will try my best to avoid this as much as possible, but it will happen from time to time. Here we go! No commentary on this…
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  • Steve [Step Father, not the One-Legged Homeless Man]
    August 29, 2019
    This entry was most likely written on July 23rd 2006. It is not very long, but tough... So, I guess it's hard to introduce this person who was a huge part of my life without any context, so I will take some time to explain about my Step Father Steve and at the same time…
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  • My One-legged Homeless Friend [June 6th 2006]
    August 28, 2019
    I felt like this journal entry will be relevant for the overarching narrative that is my life, because of a quite influential person that came into my life at this time. I mention a few here, which instead of listing who the people are in advance, I will instead describe my relationship with them...
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  • April 4th 2006 2:00am
    August 27, 2019
    I was 14 years old when I wrote this entry and it seems like I had been visiting my mother for, what seems to be Spring Break. I will give some context to whom I am referencing before I share this old journal entry. I will also use [brackets] in between paragraphs for commentary. Not…
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  • Flip Phone
    August 27, 2019
    As I am editing my novel, I realized that a lot of my characters use flip phones. When I started this book around the age of 14, those were pretty much the only type of cell phones that there were. The Blackberry may have JUST come out. Anyway, I thought that might be worth mentioning,…
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  • Introduction to Blog
    August 27, 2019
    I will keep it short and to the point. I am an aspiring author, with quite the past experiences. (i.e. gang involvement for a good part of my childhood). I cannot reveal TOO much about my book, although as I progress I will try to provide teasers here and there. Until then, I will tell…
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