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February 3, 2023
It isn't the vow in his eyes. It's the one behind them. The veil is thin. It's the diamond under the soft cover of snow. It's the ruby wrapped in the heart cloth. It's the memory that won't fade.  
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Recent Entries

  • empowerment practice
    January 22, 2023
    peace and contentment sense of power. it's been given away. i resent him for not taking care of it. for taking me for granted. i let myself be vulnerable. did he let himself be vulnerable? if he did, it was quickly shut down as he would withdraw into himself. it is hard to approach someone…
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  • The Resistor
    September 23, 2022
    Leaded hands and chin. I would fall forward if the there wasn't cement. Air is thin and fresher here. I still forget to take the cleansing breath and let go.   No wonder my shoulder hasn't given up. It may not trust that I can handle the current. Why should it? Repairs and preparations need&...
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  • Post
    June 17, 2022
    An intention has been set to show more kindness to myself. I need to remind myself regularly. This means it is working.   There is a pull towards old tendencies. I am doing my best to be vigilant, to look for other intentions that had been set decades ago. These are more difficult to spot.&h...
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  • Asset 6
    May 20, 2022
    I expected to find clarity, refinement. Instead, it's stirred mud in a swamp. Do we swim sideways, out to the shore.. climb out like some beaten creature who took a chance that the forces are less brutal in the open air? Here we find a scorching sun, relentless mosquitoes. Exposure. exsanguinatio...
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  • The Cusp
    March 19, 2022
    A place of vantage, of seeing what comes next when he does not. Yet if he looked closely, he'd see how all the pieces fit. But this requires wanting to look needing to being able to. The things we see in the rear view mirror are closer than they appear. Despite moving forward, they follow…
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  • it doesn’t matter
    February 9, 2022
    Alone, when you're not alone. I feel more alone when with others. perhaps it's the feeling of disappointment when there is no connection. why would I feel disappointed? I have too many expectations of others, probably myself too. I can't bare to have no expectation though..that seems hopeless. St...
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  • centre bullet
    February 6, 2022
    blank canvas, time is ticking. chores to do. there's still time to say something worthwhile. I am tired of distractions, yet my brain lacks the self control to be so focused on nothing. it's exhausting to keep those demons and shadows at bay. to let the light shine in and illuminate.. no please, ...
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  • Ordinary world
    February 6, 2022
    They say you are supposed to be more of who you are as you get older. I feel like I peaked some time ago and have lost my way. Glimpses are caught in hearing a forgotten tune or a moment of quiet solitude. My mind is so busy, like a whirlpool. How can I see…
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  • House
    September 26, 2021
    I've had variations of a recurring dream for years. I often don't remember my dreams, but the ones that fill me with fear stick with me. A few nights ago I had such a dream, and it continues to push its way into my waking thoughts. The dreams are of an empty house. the house…
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