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December 24, 2019
Today is the one year anniversary of my mom’s passing. I think about her every day. There’s so much I wish I could have said and done. I have a lot of regrets regarding our relationship. Wish she was here with us at the house just relaxing and gift wrapping. I think she would have…
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Recent Entries

  • Celebrating birthdays with 15-hour shifts.
    December 7, 2019
    Today is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor , and I never forget, because it's the day after my birthday. It's sobering visiting Pearl Harbor. Historical sites always have these funky energies to them. Yesterday was an okay day. I didn't anticipate working so long on my birthday, but there was a par...
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  • Trying to daily journal again… and feel real.
    December 5, 2019
    I occasionally handwrite in various notebooks, but thought about an electronic journaling. Lo and behold... Google suggested opendiary. How could I have forgotten something I used for YEARS? Now, nearly two decades later, I reclaimed my old opendiary. I doubt I'll go back and read old entries... ...
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  • 11/15/2011
    November 14, 2011
    microexplosions of need pulsing and ebbing, am i this filled with heat that i tumble to my knees before him? before him… so conscious of the sly-smiled glances descending upon the way i tremble and i feel my body betray me, rupturing with fire, blushing for his touch.
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  • float
    May 14, 2011
    float float float away to some other place. reality does not feel real anymore.
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  • emptiness within
    April 7, 2011
    Searching, always searching. Self-realization. Sometimes it's hard to come to terms with the emotions that swirl inside of oneself. Is this a path to some version of enlightenment?
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  • i am the alpha and omega of my intricate universe
    January 19, 2011
    i melt and sway like the could-be miracles that teeter on christmas eve. i topple slow and gentle, slicing like the wet warm knife through room temperature butter, i am butter, dissolving, shaking down the salts, falling to carpet and the pieces they all walk on you could not see the sea salt tea...
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  • Questions, always questions.
    January 13, 2011
    I’m sitting here. I’m sleepy. I’m bitter. The point is, why is the question always, “Where did I come from,” and not, “What am I doing?”
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  • busy little bee
    January 2, 2011
    My best friend visiting has been a nice thing. It was a little sad to see him depart today. He's in love with me, and it makes things awkward. However, I'm the queen of awkward, so I handle that shit well. This past weekend was intense. I never go out and "party," and did precisely…
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  • walking on a dream
    December 25, 2010
    had a good christmas. the girls were pretty spoiled this year. is it real now?
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