Magic is life

I have had a profound week.


Things are just going so well, I have discovered things about myself that I didn’t even know where possible.


Today I learnt something about my mother that put a few broken pieces back together and it helped immensely to Heal the child in me.


You see my mother would beat, insult and tell me I was worthless all my life, it’s all I can remember of my childhood.

Well today I uncovered that my mother admitted that it was because I was to strong willed for her, that she didn’t like how stubborn and determined I was.

She broke me to control me because I wasn’t a follower, I was a born leader.

The person that was telling me these things broke down into tears and apologized for not saving me when she had the chance.

It was so affirming to hear that I WAS once a strong person (even if it was 30 years ago).

I was relieved to hear that it wasn’t because I was to ugly, bad or any of the other things she would say.


It was another piece of my soul put back together.

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