
I have been working on my wedding plans again making sure that everything is going to go right the day of the wedding…. I have been coming up with DIY projects for the wedding and coming up with games to play at the wedding reception…. I want to have some fun at our wedding and every little gam that I come up with is going to have prizes for the first 3 people that gets everything right…. <- The games should be fun and interesting…. I have also come up with the idea for a marriage advice box, card holder box, and a honeymoon fund box…. So far I have already made 3 signs for our wedding and I still have to make a couple more signs for our wedding and then the signs for our wedding will be done…. I am doing my best to get everything put together without anyone’s help…. I have already got a scrapbook for our wedding and I am slowly starting to put things in it…. <- I really don’t plan to put anything else in the scrapbook until after the wedding…. I have to finish filling out our wedding planning book and add a couple more people to my wedding party…. 

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