Food For Thought

I’m hungry.
I actually have some money having pawned my camera this morning.
But I’m that ”special’ kind of starved that if you show me something edible I feel sick.
8 of the last 12 months have been pure hell!
I’ve had, maybe, 12 engagements with ‘friends’ the entire time?
5 people wished me Happy Birthday via FB on the 1st January.
– I’m 41 years old these days. I’m pretty sure I’m still born on June 11th?
I weigh 10 stone. I’m 6’3.
There’s a heavy concern I’m going blind. I’ve been partially blind in my left eye since birth.
And I’ve still no idea what caused the A&E trip 2 months back where I had no breath, I couldn’t talk!

But after 25(ish) companies and (give or take) 80 interviews in total, I’m being screened for a start date.
Might as well finish on that.

Technology Will Inherit The Earth


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