I’m Normally Quite Happy, Even When Ill But…

This time I REALLY don’t want to be at work today!

Again, yesterday I had a crappy day with a combination of the excruciating pain from a permanently damaged bad back, menopause and rheumatoid arthritis.

I could literally barely walk as my entire body, particularly the knees/legs/feet and left shoulder felt like they were made from concrete and was limping around on crutches as I am today.

Yesterday was extremely slow at work, just one customer who paid £4.86 and that was it so of course the entire  day just draaaaaged on until 4 pm from 8:30 am!

I had dinner about 6 then crashed to bed about 6:30 and had another crappy night with leg/feet cramps, various agonizing pain, washing pain killers down with brandy, tossing and turning and menopause stuff.

Am like a soddin’ zombie today again and can’t keep my eyes open!

My hubby is dog tired…not because I had a crappy night… and even our one p/t employee, who usually comes in on a Wednesday is like the living dead today too! The three of us just blobbing around slowly and uncomfortably!

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