Heartbreak On Vinyl Was The Name Of The Store

[3:49 pm] I’m beginning to think that I’ll never find you. I won’t get to dance with you. I won’t get to share my songs with or spoil you. I won’t get to hold your hand or be there when you have good news. I won’t be there to be proud and supportive when you do or want to do something great.

I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of seeing ugly (not just physically) people getting the love that they don’t even accept. You cheat and go on while you have someone that few others would nearly kill for. Why do you love him? Do I have to be one of them? Does this black eye say I love you more than a cracked rib? Does sleeping with your best friend or sister scream out marry me?

I’m standing right here wishing that you’d look my way.

I don’t want in your pants.

I wish you were here, looking into my eyes as if trying to see ky soul. What are my intentions? Am I lying? Is this just an act to get in my pants?

I want to sigh knowing all to well that you have been used and hurt. Listen, I’m going to word this as politely as I can…

I want to get in there…

If you thought that I want to get in your pants get out. Hit the ex! Hit the back button! I was pointing at your heart. That’s where I want to be.

I want you to be proud of me. I want you to brag about me to your girlfriends making them jealous.

I want to come home after work and look forward to whatever we have planned. It could anything as simple as a walk through the gardens or as feminine and complicated as painting with a twist to taking a pottery class. Now, I will be cracking lame jokes while doing but it would be something that hopefully if the worse should come to pass that you remember me fondly. I would say look at me!! I’m like Ghost!! Babe!!! Sit! Sit! Quick! My clay pot is about to fall over!! Yeah…only I would best about my failed creation and still make fun of a movie or attempt to act it out. Sadly I can’t think of a movie that had two people in love taking a painting class but you get the jest of it.

I want to show someone that I can be the perfect boyfriend.

Love me…

Want me…

Be my best friend and my biggest supporter.

I know there will be problems. Overtime the new begins to fade but when it comes, I’ll be ready to take on whatever may come. I hope to one day remind you what it was that made you fall in love with me in the first place. I know this part sounds sad an implies that one of us may have fallen out of love but this is just hypothetical. I wouldn’t allow it but if it did, I hope I can hug you and somehow transfer all of those good thoughts and memories and remind you of how much I love you.

I don’t need ten friends or two thousand, all I need is one; you.

If you couldn’t see the simplicity (hint hint yo and yes I had to this in a to in there as if to say her what’s up in a stern voice we men do when we see some other guy talking to our girl as if he was trying to get with her) in that and long hint and what not please hit the back button or close your browser or shut off you iphone. All I need is one. I don’t need anyone else and I would hope you are the same way. I know it exists. You’ve probably met them. Those rare couples that somehow met and never left each others side in high school. Yeah they had friends…but they were always together and everyone knew that they loved each other and ended up getting married and strangely enough, they’re still married in a world were divorce is on the rise.

Do you get what I’m saying? I need a girl who only wants one guy in her life.

I’m half Mexican and I want to be your hero. Maybe the Libra in me mixed with that Latin thing people say we have made a romance creep. Let’s face it, when w guy says I want to hold your hand you think, A: he must be a creep or B: you’re a high school kid and you had your first crush.

You don’t know what to do when a good guy does show up because you don’t know if he’s being real or faking it.

I’m not faking it. I highly doubt anyone else posts like this. Do you know how long it takes to type this out on a touch screen and having auto correct change some of my words around of spell out something else that I only realize after I’ve posted and read it back for fear of the back button!? Yeah, it’s happened a lot.

I don’t just want a pretty thin girl. I want my best friend. I know that if you think back on an old love you can remember doing fun things with them.

I want that.

I wish that I could wake up next to you and bend my arm over my head and feel you slip a hand across my chest followed by your cheek asking me what’s the plan for today? I’ll kiss the top of your head and look up at the fan and…FIST PUNCH THE AIR AND GO! THE PARK!?!? NO!?!? A CAVE!?! NO!!!!! OH MY GOD I GOT IT!!! Wait for it. You?! Me!? Park!? SILVER DOLLAR CITY!!! They have wild cats there!

Did you feel the excitement??? Did your gut turn at my falcon punch to the air? Yes I do get overtly excited when I’m in love and a bit crazed like that over attached girlfriend on YouTube.

Go on and pet my hair while I play Xbox. I don’t mind… You do know you just cost me that level?? Oh never mind! Come lay in my arms. Let’s draw!? No! Let’s dance to that kick A** song that I got the title off of.

I want a girl who likes the same songs. I like dance music. Do you lay in bed late at night wishing that you were not sleeping alone and instead end up with your headphones dancing in bed like Cleavland when he heard “Baby” by Justin Beaver or however you spell his last name? Does it make you forget about love for a little while? Then you’re probably like me.

I wish that I could share ky playlist with you. I love my music and no, I do not listen to that weird stuff my kind like. I don’t like rap. I don’t like country. I like a few songs like “You’re Still The One” by that Canadian girl who’s name I cannot spell. “Guitar Town” by Earl Jr. That Lonestar song that was big in the 90s that I somehow forgot but I know. Crap this is going to kill me. Read on while I try to remember that song. Oh yeah!!! I got it!! It’s that song that goes, “Every time our eyes meet, this feeling inside me. Something something something. I don’t know how to do what you do you. I’m so in love with you.” Was it Lonestar? Man I’m old! Yet I don’t look it or act it.

I’m the guy who’ll hold the mirror behind your head while you try and iron the back of your head. Or you could give me that Her Style, Chi, whatever brand or iron you use and I can iron it for you. If you hand me a Andis iron we’re going to the mall.

I want a girl who likes dance songs!!!! That way when we drive around town our songs are playing full blast, dance bass going thump thump thump like a bass speaker in a place with no walls and no cover. It’s hard to explain if you haven’t tweaked your speakers or gotten an equalizer. It’s that distinct sound they make on movies. The closest I can come up with is Zoolander when Mugato or whatever (Will) was a floating head and there were bass speakers going thump thump thump and you could see them moving. Did it click!? Did you go oh yeah!? Or were you all oh I don’t remember? Back button!!!

I’m kidding!! I throw that back button as much as I hit the block button on Facebook.

I should be a comedian.

I went off track on that bass sound. There are just so many awesome dance songs with awesome sounds.

That way when we drive and people look at us we’ll be dancing or nodding our heads to the beat with cool shades on like those rats in a Kia Soul thinking they’re such a bad A**.

Does all of that sound amazing?

Would it help if I mentioned that I can cook? Not just a ham and cheese sandwich but crab stuffed mushrooms, salmon, strawberry salsa. Are you hungry???

But what if you’re what they call a prep? I’m not. I don’t wear pants past my A** or ugly bright shoes and snap back hats. Nope. I like America Eagle, Lucky jeans with the slit on the side but the Buckle stopped selling them that way and now you have to get them altered and that sucks because when I buy something I want it right then. I don’t really have a style or a name brand. As long as it looks good I’m good. I do have emo like hair. I need to get it cut but I’m afraid they’ll mess it up. Great Clips isn’t so great and shelling out $50.00 dollars on a hair cut that I might not even like is just a big of a risk as giving your heart out. You’ll have to live with it until it heals or in this case, grows out.

I’m trying to think of what else I can talk about. I don’t have any kids. I have a place of my own and I work a lot. I would like a girl who is all of the above and drug free. Not a sailor mouth or a girl recently off some sort of hard drug. A good girl. You should know what that is it. You are you after all and I’m just some guy desperately trying to find his soul mate. Ok, was it me or did anyone else all of a sudden think of Dumb And Dumber when I said, “Desperately?” I thought flashbacked to Lloyd telling Marry, “I desperately want to make love to a schoolboy!” And she goes, “In that case I should go” and he goes, “No that’s bot what I meant. What I meant to say was…I loyke Jew ughlot. What are the chances of a girl like me and a boy like you, getting together?” Marry, “One.”

Like one in a million and he gets all happy when that one in a million means not in this lifetime. Best movie ever!!!

I can’t get over this heartbreak mix song!!!

Anyways I think that wraps it all.

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