
Well, things are great. 

Isla Joy  Should be here in about 17 weeks. I have been doing things to prepare for her arrival. Making a list on amazon of what we need, organizing clothes by size, moving stuff to make room for her, etc. Preparing Lucy too. Lucy knows her sisters name when asked, and knows the baby is in mommys belly. She is doing GREAT on the potty, like amazing. I don’t have to push it what so ever. Shes also doing fantastic in the big girl bed. Sleeps through the night without issue. There have been a couple nights of difficulty getting her down, and naps too, but I found with consistency she learned that its non negotiable and now she knows when I shut the door, that’s IT. She protests only briefly then puts herself to sleep (eventually. usually doesn’t take long at all).

I have Cainan and Lucy both today, and theyre both napping now. Its a good feeling to get 2 toddlers down without fuss. Its a terrible feeling when its a battle of wills, which it has been before. Michelle (cainans mom) is becoming a great friend and I love that we were put in the same place at the same time and became friends.

Things will Paul are great too. We’re still having sex throughout this pregnancy which is drastically different from last time. I think we completely stopped having sex shortly into the 2nd trimester when I was showing. I remember maybe just a couple times after I had a belly. Then we went 3 months after Lucy was born before we started back up again. It was hard for me emotionally because It seemed like a symptom of a larger problem and I felt so disconnected from him. I don’t feel that way at all now, during my pregnancy with Isla. We fought in the beginning and it was rough. But its been great for the past couple months I guess, time wise. I wrote a lengthy letter to my inlaws which was bad, but seems to have died down now, and me and Paul aren’t fighting about our families lately. that’s one of those touchy subjects for us: INLAWS. Yuck. I wish there was no such thing.

Last time I saw my midwife, I was up 3-4 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight of 118. I was down to 117 at one point, then gained a couple pounds, etc. I was 121 at last appointment. My pre-pregnancy weight with Lucy was 124, on a good day! Which is so weird because at 22 weeks I don’t even weigh that now while pregnant. Plant based diet people. Im telling ya.

In truth ive probably gained a couple pounds since last time and I might be more now than 121. But still I think its crazy how much less I am dealing with weight-wise during this pregnancy, but I feel the same (I think). Its hard to remember but I never remember feeling that fat with Lucy. Everyone said how good I looked when I was pregnant and I never gained more than 20 lbs total. But this time I weighed less to start with. I don’t know, we’ll see how it plays out. I’m hoping I don’t go over 138 which would be 20lbs and I don’t think I will.

speaking of in laws….haha….paul is texting me now because my parents stopped to have lunch where he works, and went to the kitchen to say hi. Somehow that’s a bad thing. He compared it to me making fun of the fact that his mom called my work when I was off, asked them if I was home, or if they knew where I was, and asked them if there were any flower shops on the island. Why would you call my work and ask that? How bizarre. They were like, some creapy lady called here asking all these questions about you. Only at the very end did Michelle ask who she was, and she said "oh sorry, this this her mother in law". Yeah youre fucking weird lady. Stopping to eat at a restaurant where your son in law works is not weird. Calling around about you is fucking weird. If my parents called the restaurant asking about Paul that would be weird.

Anyway, hope you all are having a great sunday 🙂

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August 13, 2013
August 15, 2013
August 17, 2013

I don’t think it is weird that your parents said, “Hello”. It would be polite. Phoning a work place to ask questions is totally strange. You win. I gained too much weigh with all my pregnancies. You are doing awesome.