
To whomever wrote that private note, thanks. i think you may be right. i cant say ill get the chance to try it, but i hope so.

Im entering a deep hole now it feels like. surface-level things with paul have been up and down, but i feel nothing but down. Right now, paul is outside somewhere, maybe driving, i dont know. he stormed out. We got in a fight this morning because he tried to have sex when we woke up and i turned him down. he looks at porn instead of having sex with me, and i feel rejected, so i wanted him to know what it felt like to be rejected and maybe he would relate, and see things from my perspective. it didnt work. he was mad he got rejected but thinks im a total crazy ass bitch: crazy ass for being upset by the porn, and bitch for rejecting him and being "bitchy" deliberately. I wasnt bitchy. I just said no. He pressed the issue so many times, so i finally told him i couldnt have sex with him while he normally just looks at porn when i want to have sex. he doesnt need me for those things. why should i give it to him on his terms? What about when I want to have sex, like at night, in OUR bed?

it got ugly. its worse now. im sure i made him hate me, and i hate him and have for a while. (you know). i was trying to be honest and not attacking. but i confessed that im scared and desperate and starting to feel like i got married too young and we arent compatable…and i was going on to say that now i am desperate to make it work and find the love we had in the begining, but he didnt let me finish. he yelled LOUDLY and stuck his finger in my face as usual and said fuck a lot, and bitch a lot, and stormed out, telling me he will go into the red zone every time with me if i dont stop threatening to leave. i wasnt threatening to leave. i shouldnt have said that out loud. i feel it in my heart but i shouldnt have told him.

i tear up every time i think it now, because its hard to admit (not sure its true yet but im wondering…) but thinking "i got married too young. we arent compatatble. now im stuck. what do i do? stay and make it work? or should i go? this isnt right. he wasnt meant for me. we dont work. im not happy. have i ever been happy with him?

i dont know the answer to the last question but its probably YES, and i just cant remember those times anymore. I cry myself to sleep all the time. it was my birthday moday and i sobbed hysterically in my bed alone until like 2 am. i was praying to god for the answer on what to do here. i was asking him how it got this way.

i dont know if i am over reacting. i probably am and that scares me. paul thinks im crazy. i dont know if all this is my fault now.

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October 31, 2012

you aren’t overreacting. This is your one life, no regrets k? You have one life to live in happiness, find your happiness, no matter how scary it might be to chase. If there’s no happiness there, then you shouldn’t be there.

I would never tell you to leave or stay, but I don’t think if you cannot remember the happy times that is troubling because either a) there weren’t that many to begin with or b) you are so resentful and hurt now you are coloring everything in a bad light. I think leaving, temporarily, might be your best and only chance. It sounds like you are both too close to the situation right now.

November 1, 2012

For all my opinion is worth, I think you should part ways. It’s an unhealthy environment for everyone involved, most especially your child. Best of luck to you and take care.

November 1, 2012

I know I have a tendency to disappear from OD from long stretches of time, but I wanted you to know that I still come and read your diary and apologize for the lateness of this note in return to yours. You really seem like such an intelligent, fun, wonderful person – and while nobody’s perfect, no one deserves to be treated this way and it isn’t your fault.

November 1, 2012

I know you have previously said that you would never consider divorce, but I can see that your stance is starting to change. I hate to say it, but I’m glad. I think it’s something to definitely consider, not to sound harsh or dismal, because only you can decide what you want, what is right for you. But it is healthy to think about the options that you do have.

November 1, 2012

I agree with the person who left a note saying it was an unhealthy environment for your child. It’s natural to think staying together is what’s best for the child..but even if you have these fights behind closed door…it breeds a negative environment and clings in the air. A child can sense that. Maybe he can change. Maybe things can get better. But what if they don’t?

November 1, 2012

Or what if they do get better for only a short period of time, just to appease you..which seems to happen from time to time? That feeling from all those times of frustration will always be there…..is it something you’re willing to manage forever, something that you think you can keep at bay and never cause you to fall back again?

November 1, 2012

You argue with yourself that you are overreacting, that you are too emotional. That you need to toss those young girlish dreams of true romance out the door. Why can’t you have that? Love is out there for everyone, in many forms. It doesn’t have to be roses and a horse and carriage. It can be someone who just adores endlessly and lives to make you happy.

November 1, 2012

Someone’s who’s heart you make race with anticipation just when you come home for the day. To answer your question to me, I am not married, nor do I have kids. I am hoping to get the question popped soon though. My boyfriend and I have been together almost nine years and I can say that I am happy and that I know he loves me and his goal is to protect and make me happy.

November 1, 2012

Is the relationship perfect and do I know if we’ll be together forever? No. But it’s not messy and we always try to meet one another halfway. I still jump up to see him and hug him when he gets home…that welcome home embrace is the best part of my day. My heart sinks a bit if I get home and his car isn’t there. And I love that yearning.

November 1, 2012

It’s okay to yearn and want things for yourself. Things that sometimes others don’t want. You are entitled to be the person you want to be and not feel like you have to stifle it until the end of time. Sorry to ramble, but I hope you know that you can do this and you will be okay. Do whatever you need to do to take your happiness by the reins and own it. 🙂

November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012

I was married before I met my best friend & married him. My ex made me question myself frequently & he knew how to bring my crazy side out. He, too, was addicted to porn. He would rather pleasure himself instead of coming to me. He cheated SO many times I lost count. I was heartbroken, angry, bitter, & I loathed myself. I thought it was my fault. My attitude changed completly..I was Miserable!!

November 1, 2012

I agree with the previous noter..I can’t tell u want to do but I can tell u what I did. I walked away. It hurt something awful but in the end I was so much better off! I ended up with a man that continues to show me what love is everyday! U deserve to be happy. Ur daughter deserves the best of u & the situation with u & the hubs is taking it’s toll. Ur hubs doesn’t seem 2 want 2 fix his problem.

It becomes too easy for others to suggest breaking things off and going your seperate ways. You really seem to want to be in this thing, so stay. Fight it out. It’s tough, but it is worth it to figure each other out and appreciate each other better. Not remembering the good times doesn’t mean there weren’t any, although it feels that way at times. We just get into the war and forget about home.

You see the porn addiction as a rejection of you, but it is a rejection of himself. It’s the male equivalent of gorging on cookie dough. It’s disgusting and full of self loathing, but he looks out of shame. He needs your acceptance. As horrid as him screaming is, it’s a strong indicator he feels you aren’t listening. I’m not saying accept it, but find out why. Shift your conversation.

Children aren’t better off with divorced parents. It is a myth dispelled by statistics. You are their world. They need stability. And while abuse (verbal or physical or otherwise) is not stability, seeing their parents fight through and come out the other side will work wonders on children for shaping their outlook. They need to see the caring, though. Show them you are working toward each other.

I apologize for lecturing. I just see such flippant waste in marriages. It shouldn’t be such a light decision. (Not suggesting you are taking it lightly, but the comments seem to encourage that.) I do think a serious consideration of seperation is necessary. You have no trust in his behavior without you, which is a control issue. A deep breath will do you both good.

November 4, 2012

I live with a partner who has P.T.S.D due, interestingly my situation is the exact opposite of yours but I know exactly how it feels. Often I have my partner scream at me for just walking through the door & saying “hi”, sometimes it happens for no reason at all, but i’ve been on the end of so much screaming & abuse that I’m just worn out. I push on and try to make it work but it is a struggle.

November 4, 2012

I live with a partner who has P.T.S.D due, interestingly my situation is the exact opposite of yours but I know exactly how it feels. Often I have my partner scream at me for just walking through the door & saying “hi”, sometimes it happens for no reason at all, but i’ve been on the end of so much screaming & abuse that I’m just worn out. I push on and try to make it work but it is a struggle.