Mid week info dump.

My back is killing me as I write this, sitting here in this god awful chair. I had such significant pain reduction after my first session with the chiro. Ive been back once since and I didnt feel any better at all after that last session. Now I cant get out there until Monday. Oh well. But, Ouch.

In other news, I’m not pregnant. Thats ok. We’re going to keep trying. One cycle down, hopefully one more to go. Yeah right. But fingers crossed its that easy.

Everyone fixated on the supidest shit in my last entry. I deleted the rude, unsigned comments that pissed me off. Fuck you if that was you, anyway. I dont care. I dont get why people get their panties in a knot over small, trivial details and comments in an entry that wasnt even about "everyone changes their diary name". Hyperbole. Ok? Jay-sus.

Anywho- I got into the nursing program!! 24 people taken, and I was one. YAY! I’m pumped. I had a lengthy convo with my mom today and decided I want to work towards becoming a nurse practitioner. I know that may be a long road, but I really dont think I’m destined to stop at RN.  It really seems like anyone can do a 2 year nursing program. At the risk of sounding like a completely stuck up bitch- im going be honest and say i have found the acedemics of all this so far to be incredibly easy. I got a 96 on that state test, like ive said. I continuously get the best scores in the class on our exams in Mirco and APII. I hardly study. I dont get it. I just dont get it. Im not trying to brag. I’m saying I swear they dumb some of this stuff down and any idiot can get a 2 year degree. I really think I’m cut out for and capable of achieving more, beyond the RN. I know I havent even started yet, but I really dont think Its going to be acedemically SUPER hard. Balancing kids and work and pregnancy and school and everything else- yeah thats hard. Its always hard. Finances, time, energy, its all hard. But reading the book and taking the test? Never been hard for me. Lots of other things are—some things are impossible for me–but reading a book and getting an A on a test is the easiest part of my life. I got 100% on a research paper recently that I spent all of 2 hours on. I dont know why, but school comes naturally to me. Other things, not so much.

Got to hang out with Rachel and her little trisomy baby Scarlet Marie. I dont think I have the energy to write about that right now- but it was good. More on that later I guess. Yeah….I can’t do it.

We got our rediculously expensive juicer on Monday. But its so worth it. We’ve been sucking down juice like no tomorrow. Im drinking juice from veg that ive never eaten before. Kolarobi or something? What? Yeah- its badass. Tons of leafy greens, ginger, parsley, cukes, apples and carrots of course….I feel great! Lucy loves carrot apple beet.

Speaking of Lucy- she is saying a ton of words. Dinosaur, socks, shoes, apple juice, holly (her teacher), thank you, etc etc. She is getting so big. She might become bratty if she doesnt get a sibling soon. 😉

Parents have their house on the market. They have already had 2 showings. Neither one amounted to an offer, but good none the less. I hope they move down in April but at least by May. It will probably be May. I cant wait for them to get down here!!!!!! I need help! And I cant wait to have family time and help them with their new house and stuff.

Talked to Kerri the other night too. They moved out to Maryland but they want to move back. His new job sort of sucks, and they dont like the cold weather. It wouldnt be a bad thing if they were back down here again. We could hopefully see more of each other than we did when they were in Naples. It was fine before kids, but after we both had our babies, it was just too far to do in a day and drive back. 5 hours in the car in one day is too much for a toddler, just for a few hours of fun.

Megan is due with her baby girl June 14th. I need to send her a package. She seems to be getting used to the idea of having another girl. Hopefully her husband is being nicer too. She just keeps everything bottled in- that would drive me crazy.

Off to eat a grapetruit and relax for the night. I work all day tomorrow and then finally its the weekend. I love my weekends with Lucy. I look forward to as soon as i open my eyes monday morning. We go to the beach, ride the bike, take walks…we go off island only one day, and we get groceries and do something fun. The rest of the time we’re barefoot and close to home. We hardly get dressed in anything other than a bathing suit and a hoodie 🙂 She is starting to LOVE the beach. She wont keep her hat on her head though, and her hair is so white and fine that I hate to have her head burn. Anyway, im just rambling now.




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March 14, 2013

That’s alot of info in this entry!! LOL! Ahhh…about the pregnancy. Maybe next time. I am SO excited for u guys!! I think Lucy will love to be a big sister 🙂 Hope u do get a chance to write about little Scarlett soon. Been thinking of her and her family. CONGRATS on getting into the nursing program!! You are certainly one of the lucky people when it comes to school. Keep up the good work!!

March 15, 2013

You mentioned you’ve considered nurse practitioner. Any ideas what aof that you’d want to specialize? But anyway … best of luck with nursing school and with everything else too. It seems you have many irons in many fires. Take care.

March 15, 2013

ryn: joe makes $2 and hour when he is in port. If you average out hours vs pay. You don’t make big money unless you are very high ranking and an officer not enlisted.

March 15, 2013

Ryn: thank you so much for sharing that with me. You’ll go far with whatever you pursue. 🙂

March 17, 2013

Well I am glad school comes naturally to you, I used to be like that in high school but in college not so much. Or maybe I was just too obsessive about being perfect. But anyway, I wish you luck as you push toward a nurse practitioner.

March 23, 2013

Ryn: sure did and then I guilted the hell out of her by telling her how much I was depending on her and how now I’m screwed over and how sad x is going to be….she said she is still trying to work it out so she can come, but I don’t think it will happen.

March 24, 2013

I want a juuuiicerrrrr! ryn: *totally* freaked out! My neighborhood is filled with kids and old people. My whole TOWN is quiet and tiny. What the HECK!?