No Sympathy For The Angels

I’m on strike three at the moment, regarding my attempts to assist and communicate with battered women. Three times now I’ve sympathized with their situations, and offered my unconditional affections and perspectives, only to be shot dead while kneeling over them with my stethoscope and anesthetic. Not that I’m complaining about my inability to help people…I don’t offer assistance because I care, I simply enjoy applying truth and perspective to situations that are otherwise devoid of it just to see what happens. All three shootings came at the same point in the discussion; the moment I began to explore the abusive man in question. Every time I got the cult-like reaction; an explosion of anger and hostility in defense of the man, trailer park style, while suddenly attacking my credibility and character for no apparent reason. No apparent reason…because although they might not even understand their emotional reactions, it’s quite obvious to me that the back-lash I experience is simply in defense of a specific ideology and mindset that I happen to be challenging:

Battered women operate under the illusion that their hot and cold abusive man is fundamentally good at the center, but simply rotten on the outside…and can therefore one day be fixed, because as long as the unreachable center is warm and compassionate, there remains hope. Tragically for most of these women, this is not the case. The exact opposite, in fact…for most of the men that seem to earn the doctoring of these abuse-loving women are actually quite rotten at the core, and only warm and compassionate on the outside. This is a very slight, but very important distinction to make, regarding the potentiality for a woman to have the effect on a man that she desires.

One of the most romantic ideals, in my opinion, is the idea of a man becoming so enamoured with a woman that he is able to change in ways that would otherwise be impossible without her. I think that it is at least an unconscious desire for most women to accomplish this with their man, out of womanly compassion, pride in one’s manipulative abilities, or what have you…and I think it is one of the primary contributors to the generalization that women tend to prefer bad boys over doting and boringly useless good boys. We all prefer to be tried and tested, and while brute strength may be a man’s medium of control, the ability to manipulate others is a woman’s, and I find both mediums to be equally beautiful in their potential for good and evil.

I’d also just like to state again, for the record, that I have no compassion for women or women’s rights, and am somewhat of a chauvinist in actively pursuing the destruction of the feminist movement. What began as a desire to make women equal to men was a fucked idea from the start…for although on some issues like voting and job limitations women perceived themselves as accurately inferior, thus motivating them to pursue equality, they failed to notice that in the grand scheme of things they were actually already held WAY ABOVE men on other levels of function and appreciation, and their goal of equality was actually taking their gender down, and not up, in stature and value. I don’t seek the destruction of women’s rights because I fail to value women, I seek it because I value them above men…

Log in to write a note

I’d agree on most levels, however I also have an “old shoes” theory. This is a subject that is very close to me, I’ve seen my mom in many many abusive relationships, and I honestly believe that’s what’s comfortable for her. Having grown up with an abusive father, she finds comfort in being controlled this way because she has no sense of decision making. And this way…

…She also takes no accountability. Of course, she’s of the “victim mentality” wherein every problem she has in life she has someone and something to blame. Between men and illness. I also never really saw her defend any of these men. She’d walk away, bash them for her terrible life, and then walk right back to them. Cycling over and over until she’d move on to the next.

It sounds like you have a much more broad scope of this, of course. All I know is on an emotional level, not that of an observer. And it’s limited. Anyway, that’s all. I could go on for ages, and go off on rabbit trails, but I wont. 🙂

this is really wierd. i just got an anonymous note about this same thing….. and randomed in to your entry a little after… totally wierd.