The Cabin

I asked a friend of mine where she felt at home.

She didn’t understand.

I asked her where she felt comfortable, liberated, and completed.

She didn’t understand.

How do you enjoy spending so much time alone?

What sort of place to you feel at home?

A thousand miles from nowhere there is an endless beach;

An endless sky; an endless forest; an endless quiet.

Not the quiet of a sealed room, but the quiet of a midnight thunderstorm.

It is the quiet strictly and specifically reserved for the lack of human beings.

The waves roar; the wind howls; the tree tops swish; the frogs scream.

The stars beckon; the moon blinds; the black silhouettes seduce.

I am most comfortable and most distressed in this beautiful place of isolation.

Nowhere else on earth do I feel so compelled to share my space with another.

Nowhere else on earth do I truly ache for the warm and squirming body of a woman.

Not a woman….an equal.

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