The Unextraordinary


"Unextraordinary people who fight for what they believe are fucking obnoxious."



As usual, I can not stomach people who feel the need to project, rather than absorb. I have had it with angry hippies trying to drag me into their pety, shallow, and embittered battle against capitalism. But he was just trying to protest against using animals for scientific testing, mannn, this is america! The oppressive corperate war machine just wants to take away our freedom (pot), and prevent us for standing up for what we believe in, blah blah blah, PLEASE. Shut. The fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. UP. How about embracing curiosity, as a human trait, and asking questions, instead of droning on in this psudo sub-intellectual level just because you’re unhappy? I don’t care about your unhappiness, or at least your choice in venting methods. I am sick of this fallback argument of he was just tryign to stand up for what he believes, mannn because I’m sorry, but only the particularly gifted, mentally, should be allowed to "stand up" for what they believe…in the off chance that there’s no belief about it; that these people percieve a real and accurate objective truth, beyond our understanding. Because to believe in anything on strained faith, by deffinition, is to be wrong about it…and to try to project one’s wrongness onto others is as insane as it is stupid as it is USELESS. God damned hippies…but this goes for you too, pompus overweight been-rich-since-birth conservatives, who try to pretend that the argument they make in their own selfish interests, is a universal one to beneffit all. At least be men about it, a little less self deception, please…

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