Whispers of the Now


…………….they say that you can catch the Devil, but you can’t hold him for long…


Sometimes significance and insignificance are indistinguishable for me.

A great triumph, celebrated by the world as a landmark event, passes me by unnoticed– the trumpets and fireworks that whisper through the corner radio barely make it to my ears…whilst I sit in a chair, entranced by a few lonely ants making their way across the cement towards my shoe.

A crease in the leather.


The argument isn’t whether or not significance and insignificance are the same– the argument is whether or not the thin distinction between the two is actually important.

I remember stopping my bicycle in the middle of a bumpy patch-work road on a rainy day, when I was quite young. A puddle had caught my interest, more specifically, a small white stone in the corner of it…one of a million small white stones in the eroded concrete, but for reasons unknown I decided that I was going to remember that one. That stone, that puddle, that random day of no significance sometime in the spring of one of my early years…

It is one of the clearest memories I have.




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I like memories like that. Snapshots of time. Love. RYN: Find it. I’m lost.