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Omfg. It’s on.

April 5, 2018
Open diary is back in action and I am thrilled to write my life in the hands of my phone. No more pens, no more hand cramps, and only Brittany's eyes will gather my fucked up diary. Couldn't be more happier. 🙃   My mind is at peace
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Recent Entries

  • There’s gotta be more to life.
    April 30, 2013
    I'm graduating may 2013, hello Bemidji you cold son of a bitch!
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  • Krystallite
    February 21, 2013
    tonight we, Krystal and I are having a girls night. It is 1:48am and I am beat. Waxing, hair, facial's and Hollys world.;) sound's like the best night I needed!! I missed Krystal.
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  • Lifeless fuck
    January 27, 2013
    I feel brave, daring, and shameless. I have this "fuck it" attitude, like its been hiding for five years. I'm honestly so disappointed. It's a tragic to of wasted so many god damn minutes, days, years of my life not living. Going out and having fun vs. being too chicken shit to do it. I…
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  • Kolkka
    January 24, 2013
    HOLY Hannah Montana, my life has corrupted into this big huge mess of cow shit!!! All I do is work and work & I come home and work some more! It's stressing me the fuck out, makes me want to buy a truck load of wine so I can have "fun" while in working my…
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  • I’m just so tired, won’t you sing me to sleep.
    January 11, 2013
     I feel like I'm always letting someone down. Especially Dan, poor Dan, probably living life in misery because I don't bend over backwards for him like he does for me.  For example, he will come anywhere with me. Bars, parties, clubs, to hell and back if he had too...& I can't even ...
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  • regrets collect like old friends.
    January 7, 2013
    I feel like I've never tried to succeed, accomplished the goals I've always wanted to in life. I feel like I've missed opportunities, and its too late to pursue them. For example, I wanted to apply for America's Next Top Model went to Saint Paul to audition, but never went why? because I'm a sacr...
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  • WWYD?
    January 5, 2013
    home sweet home. <33 2013 tanning expo was a blast, but it's good to be home. :)   I wonder why I am writing in this 'online diary' when i have my own journal at home. odd, i bet ill quit this in a month. we'll see.   anyways. question of the day: do you…
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  • Sunday night
    January 5, 2013
    I am watching the show Grimm, it's addicting. But, so is Once Upon a Time, Strange Addiction, and Pawn Stars. WHY ARE THEY ONLY ON CABLE!? i'm too lazy to hook up netflix to my TV, (if they are even on that) I have been sleeping all day, and I love it. On my days…
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  • Fake Bake Weekend
    January 3, 2013
    the year of 2013, and i must say holy cow. we survived the 2030th scare of the world ending in 2012, i wonder how we conquered that, after all humans are only murdering and raping people these days. I shouldn't be wasting my time writing in this diary because I have to get my ass…
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