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pure energy

July 22, 2024
where in the bible does it say god created A man and A woman... it says that god created man... and then it goes on to say that he created adam and eve... the more you know...
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  • its a heartbreak
    July 15, 2024
    2 years ago today you died... i have spent most of that time alone... i pray that this will come to a close soon... i need to be with you...
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  • peace in the valley
    June 14, 2024
    Once upon a time there was a god who told us all “Thou shalt not kill”. It was a very nice thought that became a commandment and then law. Now some of you will probably get all panty twisted by this as is your right. But then we kill anyway. Some of you will try…
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  • band of gold
    June 9, 2024
    36 days will make two years of solitude... and in the real world i wonder... who will know... who will show... who will take the time out of their petty affairs to look over their shoulder... and see me here... alone...
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  • time in a bottle
    June 4, 2024
    My father was a boy It all began in January of 1942, with my father. He was born in Kentucky on a rat hole farm, in the county of Floyd, in a town named Prestonsburg. My father was the youngest of 13 children and had many advantages over his other brothers and sisters, he was…
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  • turn the page
    June 1, 2024
    There is a man out there that I will never know. He is a sharp eyed, proud man, standing tall against the slings and arrows. This man is a good and loving father of a son and a daughter, both with dark hair and grey eyes, like their mother. The son is a musician and…
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  • i wanna be free
    May 29, 2024
    How do you sum up 55 years? How do you say the things that matter in a way that people will understand? It’s been said I have a way with words, but when I set down to say the things I want to say, words seem to get in the way. She was born a…
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  • i wrote this on 10/27/03
    May 28, 2024
    The storm - 10/27/2003 Lightening sparked like flash bulbs of a camera, each brilliant flare a snapshot in the time line of a most morbid scene indeed. Enhanced by the silver blue of the lightening, the walls looked more like a funhouse portrait as the skins of bodies hung in sinister poses about...
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