These are merely the rantings and ravings of one man, a man who is normally introverted by nature, but yet, still bold enough to say and write things anonymously in this kind of online forum. I don't pull any punches and I make it a point to be real and upfront in every entry that I painstakingly write. While I'm not necessarily out to offend, belittle, or disrespect anyone or anything, I know that with the way that I write and communicate, there's always the potential for someone to get their feelings hurt. I may not spare your feelings, but in the end, you'll always know where I stand.

The Visionary has spoken. Thank you for stopping by. Get comfortable and please, by all means, enjoy the ride.

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Nature Planned It

July 22, 2024
[embed][/embed] According to Abdul Kareem "Duke" Fakir (December 26, 1935 – July 22, 2024) was an American singer. He was a founding member of the Motown quartet the Four Tops, from 1953 until shortly before his death in 2024. On 07/22/24,...
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Recent Entries

  • Apparently Not Too Old For Lunch
    July 20, 2024 Clint Eastwood is 94-years old.  Christina Sandera was 61-years old at the time of her death.  At the time of this writing, her cause of death was not disclosed.  May she rest in peace just the same. If I d...
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  • Does Whatever A Spider Can?
    July 20, 2024
    [embed][/embed] I don’t watch movies as much as I used to.  After I dedicated my life to gaming just before I became a teenager, I pretty much left television and movies behind.  This is not to say that I haven’t watched a movie or a television show ever...
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  • I Want You Back…Maybe
    July 16, 2024
    [embed][/embed] Carmen came by the office today for a celebration of one of our colleagues who was retiring and otherwise calling it a career.  I had no idea that she was going to be showing up, so the fact that we had an opportunity to connect today was...
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  • Bringing Sense And Quality
    July 14, 2024
    User “rav diablo” once again provided me with some additional notes to some of my recent entries.  Again, in opting to sidestep the site’s note system, I have again replied to rav through a full entry as noted below.  His notes are down below in italics. As I age, I find myself becoming more and&...
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  • Growing Old, Dying, And Still Eating Lunch Alone
    July 13, 2024
    As I seemingly embrace my age and my being older than some of my co-workers, I can’t help but accept that as I get older, there will be people, celebrities really, who will slowly be dying off.  It’s all part of the process that is life.  We’re born.  We live.  We die.  It’s all pretty…
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  • Never Paranoid
    July 12, 2024
    Rather than respond to a note using the little note system here, I decided to reply to my buddy “rav diablo” in a full-on entry and do his note response justice.  To help those of you who are stumbling upon this entry randomly and without any provocation, I have provided rav’s note to me down&hel...
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  • Deemed Too Old?
    July 10, 2024
    User “Only sujema” recently penned (if you’ll pardon the expression) a post regarding age and becoming grumpy and irritable in her later years.  I’m paraphrasing, of course, but that’s the gist of it as I see it. Feel free to check out her post –
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  • Could’ve Been A Good Morning
    June 25, 2024
    As I’ve said many times before, I live a fairly simple life.  I get to bed ridiculously early most nights.  I get up really early so that I can get to work earlier than most would consider to be sane.  I do my job and I like to think that I do it well.  I…
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  • Lights Dim, Nobody’s Home
    June 15, 2024
    I work hard.  I have my moments of laziness too, but when it comes down to handling business and staying on my grind, I get things done.  My sense of pride does not allow me to do my work in a shoddy or half-assed capacity.  I will crank out quality, day in and day out,…
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