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Anxious Insecurity

March 2, 2018
So you know how most people look forward to concerts or conventions? Well...I wish I did. A new event comes up in my life and I don't think "Oh yay! Fun times!" I think "Oh good, a chance to be around half naked women and feel like a piece of shit when B looks at…
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Recent Entries

  • The bad stuff is easier to believe
    February 26, 2018
    I really need to get better about writing in here every day. Like for the sake of my relationship and my own sanity. I stopped taking prozac, which has allowed me to actually feel things again (and I'm not hungry all the time, so I'll probably actually lose weight) but it's also harder to keep&he...
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  • Liars in Azeroth
    February 21, 2018
    How do I deal with a lie? In the grand scheme, it wasnt a very big lie. But trust is like a house of cards, and even the smallest breeze can make it crumble. Of course, this entry has to do with World of Warcraft because that's the only time B and I ever fight.…
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  • sorting and processing; aka, why I hate the game
    February 11, 2018
    I'm kinda trying to work through some things I feel vs how I should feel. Is what I feel valid? Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill? I don't know, and it's hard to find the answer. Because to some extent it is an addiction, and when you talk to someone…
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  • Depression and Anxiety
    February 3, 2018
    I'm not feeling super creative, so I'm just going to call this entry what it is. This amazing and powerful tool came back in my life (OD, obs), I need to use the fuck out of it. So this is where I am at, I've been on wellbutrin for awhile and things were good...but I…
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  • Hitting my stride
    January 30, 2018
    Hello and welcome back to our internet home I had a different diary on here before...and I originally started to reclaim it, but as it started restoring and I went through the old entries...I'm not that person anymore. Thankfully. Like seriously the people that used to read me deserve a medal for...
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