this is it.

this will be the year that we make our decision. I am sure of it.  I have searched, hoped, prayed, and struggled to find full time (permanent) employment here, and it hasn’t happened.  I’m not saying it still won’t for this year, it very well might, but it hasn’t happened yet. 

Many people have found the need to tell me recently, both here and in real life, that moving won’t fix everything.  I may not have a great job once we do leave.  I am fully aware of this.  I know that life is just that.. life.  No where we go is going to be all sunshine and roses all the time.  There will be good and bad to anywhere we live, here, Charlotte, or east timbuktu.. Everywhere you go.. life is.. life.  It has ups and downs, pluses and minuses, and everything in between.  I’m just trying to find a place where we can better manage the ups and downs and find an average that is a bit higher than we have here.  It’s not fun to struggle with money.. especially when you have a degree that you worked hard for not only to make enough money to be comfortable, but to be able to do what you love.. which is a big deal for me.

I believe that this year will bring about a big decision, and, either way, some big changes in my life.  it is exciting and intimidating.. but we’ll manage..

To help make our decision, we have already begun researching online about Charlotte, the school districts, restaurant opportunities, and the cost of living.  We like what we see.  Not living here, near my family will be hard.  It will be a massive adjustment, but one that may just be worth it.  We will decide.  And we will take action this year.  I am sick of all the talking and little action that has thus far been put into this "plan". 

Due to this, we are going to try to get down to Charlotte this fall.  We want to see the area.  Drive around, shop, look at the schools, read the newspapers, and just take in the ambiance of a new place.  Feeling the sun shine in October or November really won’t hurt either.  Talking to Matt and Jenn when they were here, they know some people that are teachers.  One, at least, that used to teach for the Buffalo Public Schools before moving there.  I can’t wait to meet these people and hear from them the good, and bad things, about teaching and living in Charlotte.

I’m excited.  I feel as if this is just what i need to really begin my career.  I think I might be happier in a sunnier, warmer place.  A place where in 3 1/2 hours I can be at Myrtle Beach.  unbelievable. I believe that the ocean is calming and healing, and i feel that I would be in heaven just to be that close to it.

we’ll see.  this is going to take alot of contemplation, organization, and prayer. 

so here we go..

enjoy the journey.

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August 13, 2007

big big change. best wishes

August 13, 2007

Changes like that can be scary, but fun and worth it too! 🙂

August 13, 2007

You sound alot like me when we moved down there. We really needed a change and he LOVED the fact that he was a full time teacher there. There are alot of Northerners. TONS in fact, especially in the teaching field. I know he loved it for that fact. We lived 2 hours from the beach and honestly with working and all I think in 3 yrs we went 3 times for the day. But as you even said there’s

August 13, 2007

good and bad in every area. I know I’m usually negaative on the NC thing but there was some good points too. Its just that financially it was about the same or lower due to the cost of living in the area. But obviously for a teacher experience is half the battle

August 14, 2007

Good luck with your decision! I live about an hour outside of Charlotte, so if I can help out any, let me know!