Gratification should never be delayed…

There is the supposed life lesson that Great Things Happen to Those Who Wait.  It’s utter bollocks, of course.

I use my mother-in-law as an example.  She worked hard all her life, raised her children, continued to work,  buried a husband and paid off a house.  For the last 10 years, we have been telling her to retire, sell the house, and have some fun with the proceeds.  She talked about it, but never acted on anything.

Last year, at 81, with her hips and knees bothering her, she decides to retire.  Proving the Three Stages of Age & Travel:

When you are young:  Lots of time, no  money.

Middle age:  No time, lots of money.

Old age:  Lots of time, lots of money, bad knees.

She also finally decided then that a house with the bedrooms on the 2nd floor was too big and inconvenient for one person, and sold the house.  So in October, she sold the house, and came away with a tidy sum.

Just in time, this month, to be diagnosed with Stage 5 Dementia.  The definition is Moderately Severe Cognitive Decline – Begins to need help with daily activities, significant confusion, disorientation, may no longer be possible to live alone.

So, kids, NEVER defer the chance to take that vacation, have that adventure or do that something special.  Being responsible is lovely, but work to live, don’t live to work.

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February 27, 2018

I feel the pain.  I did enjoy my work, but did not retire until 70.  By this time had a lot of back trouble.  The last 2 yrs. we have spent winters in Arizona, which has been nice.  On the way home this year, I fractured a rib.  So I’m confined to the house for a few weeks now.  You’re  right.  retire and enjoy it.

February 28, 2018

I am 59 years old presently and will probably not retire until I am 66/67 years old. Between now and then, I try to go on a yearly vacation. My vacations aren’t for long periods of time due to the fact that I am working but I don’t want to wait to travel. So, when I am able to do so, I do. Sad about your mother-in-law. You are right, it’s best not to put traveling off if at all possible.

February 28, 2018

Your point is a good one. You never know when you are going to get hit by THE bus. Personally, I want to time my demise when I am on my last dollar, having prepaid my burial expenses, just after making that last trip to a far away place to have fun.

February 28, 2018

No retirement in sight for me for a long time. We try very hard to enjoy ourselves. We have tons of toys that we play with.

February 28, 2018

Are you in the UK? We’re told all the time that all Europeans take all their vacations unlike us work-a-holics who often retire with years worth of vacation hours unused.

February 28, 2018

@margaret_1 I have homes in the US and Italy. My life outlook is very much Italian. Europeans definitely have a healthier attitude on the life/work balance than Americans. And studies have shown that we (the Europeans) are more productive than the workaholics in the US!