
Ah, ok. So, to try for next time, listen. You talk one hundred miles per minute, and that’s ok, that’s you, but this time take a step back, breath, and listen. Open the conversation. Ask questions. Make it about him. Be chill, girl. Calm down. I know you’re excited because this moment is finally here, but now take a step back, and be in it. Be calm, let him open up, make it about him. Direct your comments about him, letting him answer, ask him questions, let him speak. I’ll write it on my hand to remember. “Stop. Breathe. Look where you are. Ask him. Let him talk. Listen” Ok, so that turned out to be a little longer than something you just write on your hand, but I stand by it. Maybe I’ll write it on a piece of paper.

*Side note I just thought of: Stop being on your technology, instead either be with your thoughts, or be creative. Write or draw, think.*

Ok, now to recap. Ugh perfect! I’ll leave out all the cringe parts I might even slightly be embarrassed about to reflect on the good vibes only. Therefore, the only thing I have to say is I’m excited to hangout again because he asked me, and I’m so excited. You were going a million miles an hour in your head, you need to calm down. So next time, chill. Exhale. And relax. I’ll remember that. Because so far you go a million miles a minute and the whole thing just whizzes past and its over. Stop, exhale. Exist in the moment. Maybe I’ll write that on my hand.

*Maybe tell him, “I always go a mile a minute, I get too excited when I’m with you, and I just talk nonstop. My eyes roll up to the back of my head, I lose consciousness, and I just talk. I have no idea what I’m saying, but I talk nonstop because I’m so excited. So, I’m going to try to be calm this time.”

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