Life / Starting Over



I’ve been on O.D since high school.. a good 7? years. September 2008 I was hacked and lost all of my entries… since then I have lost the motivation and the know how? to write. So I put all my old entries that I have written on private and I’m going to try starting over.

*I was having problems with OD 4 a while there so this entry was actually written about a week ago…*

Where does a person start? i guess i can say from september 2008.. let’s see i would have been… 21 years old. i would have been working at the private nursing home and living in the same city… in a house that me and my husband bought. Now we’re at a farm we’ve been renting since last April. We’re talking of buying an rtm and putting it in the same town my parents live in.

I’ve been working at the same nursing home (it’s a different one) since Feb. 6th 2009. Went on mat leave Feb 8th 2010. I’m due May 4th. After mat. I’m not sure what I’ll do but there’s a long journey and this is just the start.

In May of last year I graduated from my local special care aide program. I made a lot of friends in that class.. some of who i still talk to and we’re going to one of the girl’s (breanne) wedding. May 29tjh.

I’m 34 weeks pregnant. Last August I was in a car accident where I flipped and totalled my car. I messed my back up a little bit but it’s not as bad as it used to be. September I found out I was pregnant so I would have been in my 1st month of pregnancy when I had the car accident. Thankfully everything is okay. We’ve had 2 ultrasounds and they’re amazing. When I first I started feeling the baby kick it felt like when you go fishing and you catch a fish.. that jerking feeling.. now it’s a lot stronger. It’s not every day but that’s ok. My husband Florin didn’t move much either… baby is hiccuping and i think moving now but I’m not too sure. It’s amazing to think that I have a baby inside me. Life is a gift. Depending on the day I can get around 10 hrs of sleep a night. Sometimes I have a hard time sleeping.  We’ve gone through all our  prenatal classes . There was 4 of them and I thought they were very good. Lots of info. The 1st 2 were about the different stages of labor, the drugs you can take, videos, breathing techniques, help for back labor… i was freaked out. I do not have even a bit of pain tolerance. Then the next class was car seats and the tour of the hospital/delivery room. There’s 2 sets of stairs to go up and I tripped twice lol.. I was so embarrased. Then the last class last night was breastfeeding. I’ve always had a "boob" phobia so it was very awkward but I’m planning to b/f so maybe I’ll get used to it. I hope so.

My animals are very important to me..  there’s the dogs: iskie 8 years and  keno who is 8 months old and is a border collie aussie mix.  Iskie’s an akita white shepherd x. Iskie was a shelter dog and keno came from my parents in law’s farm. Then there’s the cats: Jersey, Simba and Frosty. Jersey is black and white, Simba is mainly orange with a hint of white and Frosty is pure white with blue eyes. he’s the baby at 2 years old. May 3rd, 2009 we got our 1st horse storm. she came pregnant and we didn’t know it. she gave birth to a colt in september (6th) thunder. and the two of them live in the same stall at a nearby boarding place. They’re seperated and at the end of the month we’re putting Thunder at the farm where we got storm just until he’s about 2 then we’ll work with him. that farms about half an hour away but there he’ll have pasture and fun with the other horses his age. storm was just one of the many who got pregnant at the same time lol. Storm is also leaving 4 a couple months at the end of this month. She’s going to a professional trainer as she does have work to be done and we don’t have the time really with the baby coming and she’s not going to be worked after the baby 1st gets here. It’ll be good 4 everybody and then I’ll take riding classes and learn how to ride lol. She needs help mainly with manners and reinforcing commands and since I’m not allowed to ride.. Its been challenging. I love them both though and we’ll all be better in the end 4 this. I’ll still see her at the trainer’s (melissa’s) place as she’s only 5 miles from where storm is now.

Wow for somebody who didn’t have a lot to say or the know how this entry is long lol. I hope to make this a habit and write here a lot more. Itll be a good outlet and a place to look back on.



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