Rashes and Whining

Life is simple, it’s just not easy. ~Author Unknown


Last night I resorted to sleeping with ice packs to get the itching under control. I think I finally fell asleep around 2 am. I woke up at 6 and decided I was going back to the doctor this morning, as the steroid shot from last week did absolutely nothing for me. I arrived at the doctor’s office promptly upon their opening, they were blown away by the rash. Other than giving me oral steroids, there isn’t much more they can do. I can take more benadryl.

After that fun excursion I went to work. I made it through two hours before I couldn’t take it anymore. The benadryl was kicking my backside and the itching was out of this world. I went home and was able to crash for an hour. Then the furnace repairman came and put the correct part on the unit. I’m totally in the wrong business, it was $118.00 for the labor only. The part was still under warranty.

Finally sat down to watch the Grammys. The opening tribute to Aretha Franklin was great. I was really impressed with it and I loved watching all those ladies from different genres come together to pay tribute to the Queen of Soul.

Planning on getting a little reading in for the evening, then crash out. To make up for today, I’ll probably go into the office at 5 tomorrow morning. Lenin took today and tomorrow off of work, as he is losing his vacation. He normally signs in to keep a pulse of what is going on. He must really be enjoying his vacation because he didn’t do that today. I had sent him a note and he didn’t read it. I am glad he’s learning to leave work at work. He’s got a long ways to go, but he’s getting there.

I am ready for this rash to be gone. It’s been a whole week since I have been able to swim, bike or run as I’m not allowed to sweat. The itching and lack of exercise is driving me out of my mind. The Swimathon was this weekend and so many of my friends got in 10,000 yards or more. That would have been a great stress release for me. There’s always next year, but I’m ready to get back into the pool. Patience is a virtue, it’s just one I need to embrace a little more.

Pretty low key day. I hope everyone has a great Valentine’s Day.

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That rash sounds just horrid. I feel for you! I’ve had a rash that bad before. Benadryl shots with adrenaline boosters were all they could do for me.

Great to see you back! I was wondering whatever happened between you and Lenin. You`re still good friends though. Hope that rash ends soon. Most annoying.

February 15, 2011

your rash sounds pretty serious / please take care!

RYN: The bible study we’re doing is called A Woman After God’s Own Heart. I am testing out the videos on my sister before I offer to do this program at my church. There is a book and study guide for it for those who don’t have access to the videos.

ryn: HAhaha…I saw your name on some note and thought..”That is a cool screen name.” Sure, you can read me. I don’t write as much as I use to though. You may also see entries one day and NON the next. Sometimes I get bored and clean out my OD once a month. Just a warning. 😉

February 17, 2011

There are few things worse than a rash. I hope it clears up soon! RYN: Thank you, it’s very appreciated! Hugs, John

ryn: Have you heard of a show out of Canada (shown on CNBC on Saturdays) named “‘Til Debt Do U$ Part”? This is where I got the mason jar idea. Though we don’t make as MUCH $$ as the people on the show.. I kind of put a twist on her “Weekly money in the jars” idea. I then hid the jar in my huge hope chest (which has a lock on it, lol) and only open the thing once a month. Unless, I have foundsome $$ or really NEED a $10. Then I must pay it back double fold. So, find a good hiding place..from yourself even. lol

February 18, 2011

Best wishes for a speedy resolution to the rash thing. Ugh.

ryn: You don’t want to be around me when I get the giggles though. lol