Fully adult human not clear on spontaneous generation

I don’t have monkey pox. I wasn’t worried in the slightest that I did. I know that to get monkey pox one has to be exposed to it and I, do very little exposing. It’s been a handy dandy, bash the gays thing of late to say that gays get/spread monkey pox and isn’t it just awful. I was reading about all the hardy har har chuckles they’ve been having over on Fox with tucker going so far as to rebrand it “Schlong Covid.” My friend’s mother, a fully grown adult human, was under the impression that if two gays were together they would just somehow create Monkey Pox out of their gayness, I guess? Hmm. So I’m guessing that in 10th grade biology when they explained that there is no such thing as spontaneous generation, that maggots don’t come from rotting meat but rather the flies who lay their eggs in rotting meat, well my friend’s mom was stoned or asleep or sick that day. I just get exhausted when folks in 2022 have medical ideas that were discarded in the mid 1800’s. But such is the state of things — people are so very stupid. Mostly too stupid to be allowed to operate heavy machinery. And yet on a daily basis they go out into the world, demanding elaborate coffee drinks, complaining about high gas prices, and following the marching orders of a bronze age desert caveman who almost certainly was a fictional character to begin with.

I’m no better, really. I’m a flawed human being and I’m sure I have gaps in my knowledge that would shock and alarm others just as easily as my friend’s mother shocked me. Though I do find, as terrible as I thought High School to be, I somehow learned and retained a lot of useful information. Particularly sex education. I went to school in Miami and had “human growth and development” in the 11th grade and boy howdy did they cover it all. Seriously this was in 1985 and we talked about EVERYTHING. The Q&A was racier than the letters to Penthouse Forum. I credit that one-semester course with saving my life because when you think about 1985 and the AIDS crisis, information was/is key to survival. To see what Florida is doing now to supposedly “protect the innocent miracle babies” by getting rid of sex ed is peak stupid. But honestly, anyone who raises children in Florida is already committing child abuse so I can’t say I’m shocked.

I only have 3 more weeks of vacation!!! I know you are all crying sad tears for me that my 3-month vacation is coming to an end. I am very sad, too. My languid days of swimming, hiking, Spanish language lessons and novel reading are about to come to an abrupt end and I will resume my 2-day work week. My life is a living hell. “/s”

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Monkeypox is … not a gay thing?? Is it? I hardly think so. You can get it anywhere on your body! Are they calling it the next AIDS too? *rolls eyes*

July 30, 2022

I love that statement that anyone raising a child in Florida is committing child abuse.  I completely agree.

I taught sex ed to my 5 children when they were very young.  I wanted them to know I recognized that they would be sexual human beings and I wanted to make sure they knew the facts vs. fiction.

In the end, they turned out well and practice safe sex to this day.