
Last night I had dinner with my friend J — she is also my former boss from back in the Loser Industries days. She’s a member at the LA Athletic Club and so we went there for a drink. It’s one of those old school clubs — formed in 1880 (super ancient in LA terms). J’s Instagram will leave anyone feeling insufficient in every possible way. J’s lock screen on her phone is a picture of her with the Obamas. I’ve gotten texts from her at castles in Scotland (where she was “visiting friends”) and most recently from a vacation house she’s renovating in Hawaii. After I had a tequila drink called “el diablo” I stumbled over to the Nomad hotel and we had dinner there. It was good to see her again and catch up on what she’s up to — and score invitations to both the Santa Barbara house and the Hawaii house. She kind of taught me everything I know about work. Like how to work hard and how to keep my mouth shut. Vital lessons that I needed when I was 26 and spoiled rotten. So many of my mistakes in life could have been avoided with hard work, keeping my mouth shut or a combination of the two.

I’m listening to the crying children for the 10 millionth time because I’m listening to the news. Thanks shit bag Trump. Thanks shit bag Trump voters. I’m amazed by the Evangelicals who gave us this catastrophe. They actually think that as white Christians they are discriminated against more than anybody else. I remember hearing about how members of Hussein’s Ba’ath party in Iraq, the ones who had the cushiest life were the ones who complained most bitterly about their circumstances when they were blamed for making life difficult for everyone else. The same thing happened when the Wall Street bros crashed the global economy — claiming that they were the victims of classism and unfair portrayal in the media as greedy fucks. But they are greedy fucks. And Evangelicals are willfully blind to anything that goes against their preconceived notions and general persecution complex. I think mostly they’re upset that their dumb club’s membership numbers are dropping, they have a shitty product that no one wants. It can’t be their fault, so it has to be the fault of Hollywood or liberals or… 

Meanwhile Grampy shit-stain uses the words “vermin” and “infestation” to describe human beings. I know that comparing one’s political opponent to Hitler is the sign of a losing argument, but isn’t dehumanization one of the top tricks of fascists to desensitize a population to cruelty? 

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June 23, 2018

Ah, I remember you writing about Loser Industries…  I think all of us could’ve used the advice of keeping our eyes and ears open and our mouths shut when we were in our early/mid 20’s.  However, I probably wouldn’t have listened.  I was pretty stupid back then.