The Low Down

I bet most of you have questions about the sudden resurgence of Blog-A-Thon and I am here to answer as many as I can.

  • So, whats with the sudden interest in bringing this back? Honestly, I missed it. I missed the community. The begging for money. The delirium. I missed my friends. Plus, it really isnt that sudden. I have been talking about it for awhile and actively planning since the middle of summer. The original plan was to announce this by the 10th of this month. Yeah, that didnt happen.
  • Are you or do you have anything to do with the original Blog-A-Thon people? Nope. I am just an Open Diary refugee that used to participate in the event.
  • Is this event just for Open Diary members? Nope. Pass the word around. All they need to do is go to the blog-a-thon website and sign up.
  • Isnt this usually a summer event? Yes. I am chocking this up to a trial run. Dont get me wrong, this is an actual, serious run but with bug control. Afterward we can decide if the summer, spring, winter or fall is the best for the event.
  • Whats up with the “Your” Blog-A-Thon thing? One of the things I wanted to change this go around is to have the event be more member centered. When the other people ran things, it was very ‘do this, do that, and its our way or no way’.
  • So, is everything ready to go then? Yes and no. All I have (majorly) to do is decide on the donation site. I will get this done in the next day or two. Other than that, I have icons (for anyone that wants them), writing prompts and the like that I will be posting soon.
  • Ok, I have read all of this but still have no clue was a Blog-A-Thon is? Simply put, a Blog-A-Thon is an event to raise money for charities with a group of like minded peers. Some groups bike, some walk and others run. We deprive ourselves of sleep and write. For twenty-four (24) hours, an original blog post is posted every thirty (30) minutes.

This is all I can think of at the moment.
What are you waiting for? Go here to sign up!!

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