
I have been gone from here for exactly a month. I know, I know, I’m bad.

To tell you the truth, I have been kind of depressed and I didn’t want to make OD a pity party for myself. I didn’t want any sympathy, so I just spared you all the time of reading.

Moving to a new city without your family is a hard adjustment to make. Maybe just for me.

I miss home so bad it hurts. I just want to be back in the familiar with my friends and family.

Living where we are now is just not working out. The people that we are living with are just not working out, lets put it that way. They are slobs and just….i don’t know.  They got mad when I threw my shampoo bottle in the garbage….because it didn’t fit…ooookkkkaaayyyy..They don’t clean their hair out of the shower drain and that to me is the nastiest thing ever! They don’t ever take the garbage out and do their dishes. (ok, I lied. They have been doing the dishes lately only because Josh and I said something about it.)  Josh and I went home Halloween weekend and we were in a rush to get out so I just left the dishes in the sink. There were some of ours in there, but mostly theirs. There was also a bag of garbage that I forgot to take out, but I figured that it would be ok because the one girl was home and she would take it out. NOPE!! she didn’t do anything. We got back on Sunday to the dishes still in the sink and the garbage on the floor. Ugh! It was so frustrating. I just can’t stand how gross they are.

They were being bitches the one day and Josh confronted them and after they said their pieces we decided that we needed out now.

We went looking for apartments the next day. And found one!! :o) Its just 15 minutes from where we are now. $560 a month. Heat and water are included. Laundry equipment on property. Off street parking. The kitchen and the bathroom were remodeled 2 years ago. Its technically 2 bedroom, but the one bedroom is small, so we are going to use it as storage.  We are moving out next Saturday. My dad and sister are coming out to help and I can’t tell you how excited I am.  I miss them.

I am going home next Wednesday for Thanksgiving and I am working on Thanksgiving at Holiday Inn. I need to work a day there so bad. I miss the people like whoa!!

I can’t tell you how excited I am to move out and be able to use all my OWN kitchen stuff that I got from the wedding!! I can’t wait!!!

Josh and I were having some problems, but now that we are moving out and whatever, we are better. I think that this apartment is what was killing our relationship. I hated it so much here that I was taking it out on him, but that is no excuse. We are doing much better and I think that once we actually get out and get moved into our own place it will be even better.

I can’t wait to have Christmas with him. We are getting our own tree and we are going to decorate. I am so excited!! I am hoping that Josh and I are going to go Christmas decoration shopping this weekend. I haven’t decided what I want to do with the tree yet. Being OCD like I am, I like to have things match. So I don’t know if I want to make a matchy tree or just a fun multi-colored tree. I don’t know. I am hoping that Josh and I will be able to figure it out this weekend.

I can’t wait for home. I need it.

Oh Oh Oh!! Josh and I bought a Wii!!! It was our Christmas gift to eachother. We might get something small for each other, but this was our main  gift.  It is A LOT of fun!! We actually spend timd with eachother when we play. Its nice!

My job is going ok. Its something that I need to get used to. So far though, I like it. I miss my higi people and my home, but I know that I need to grow up and allow for change in my life.

That is pretty much it. There is nothing really going on with us. We both get up in the morning, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv and go to bed. Our lives are not exciting at all!! I’m just getting used to being a married woman!!

I have been reading and noting and I am sorry I haven’t been around. I am feeling better, so hopefully that means I will be around more!!


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November 20, 2008

I know how you feel about moving away from home, but at least you have Josh with you. When I first moved out to PA, my now ex was still working back home while I was living down here by myself. I’m glad you found a new place to live. I’m sure things will be much better now. I hope to get home to visit after the new year. But my parent’s will be coming down the beginning of December. Glad to see you back.

December 16, 2008

ryn: what are you talking about? lol

December 17, 2008

ryn: hmmmm i think your computer must not be reading it right, ’cause it says 28 days, some hours…blah blah, and then it says until baby goopy is born.

December 23, 2008

i hope things are better and that you’re having a nice christmas.

February 22, 2009

ryn: it’s $89.99 on Amazon.com w/ free super saver shipping!