Boring Note I

There is something dangerous in the boredom of a teenage girl. I know – I have always been bored. Often. I like emotions. Mine, other’s, doesn’t matter. I like dragging emotions out of people, even myself.  The only difference is that it always more interesting with the other people. I like the taste. It tastes like power and power, as we all know, is victorious. Better than dark shameful bitter misery.


I feel guilty and that rarely happens. I don’t have conscious – it is a useless asset that usually hurts and I don’t like pain. Liar. I am a good liar. I looove pain. There are two types of pain: a good one that makes you stronger and a temporary useless one. However, both make you THINK.

Welcome to my world. Get involved, get high. Everything else is boring!

Worst Regards,

A bored girl from the Boreland.


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