Busy Bran

OK, seriously, what’s going on?  I was doing so well at updating.  A little something here or there, and update every couple of days and then I just stop.  It’s really irritating to me how inconsistent I am at updating.  I’m almost as bad at this as I am making YouTube videos.  But then again, I have a good excuse why I don’t make as many YouTube videos.  No privacy.  

I think a big part of why I haven’t updated these past several days is because I started writing an entry a day after my latest update.  And then I got stuck on it.  It was one of those entries where the idea popped into my head over something I saw in class and it really took me to a place of deep reflection and really made me think about some things.  Unfortunately, what was going on inside of my head wasn’t translating to the page.  So, I left it alone and decided to come back to it when I was feeling inspired again.  I went back to it several times and I’m still sitting here, stumped about how I want to express myself.

I think another part is because I have been so busy!  My portfolio class is really kicking my rear.  I’ve also been trying to do well in my 2d character animation class.  I’ve been pushing myself and trying to do more than the minimum, trying to have a piece that I can be proud of and something good enough to put on my demo reel for portfolio.  So, I’ve pretty much just been consumed with all of that and at the end of the day, I just don’t have the energy to sit down and get back to that deep place.  The only place I wanna be is in bed.  

I haven’t been reading or noting anyone either and that makes me feel bad. I’ve been scanning and a lot of big things have been happening to everyone and I’m not there to lend my support and I feel like a jerk about it.  I will get around to everyone eventually.  Better late than never, right? 

I’ve been playing a lot of Resident Evil 5 lately.  I started playing over Spring Break but then when school started, I didn’t have any more time to play through.  I recently bought it when things slowed down at school and played it with Beau starting all the way from the beginning.  I can say that it’s fun both alone and with a partner.  Of course, things started getting busy again so I haven’t played it in a while and I really want to.  On some stressful days, I would like nothing better than to kill a couple of hundred infected villagers and tribesmen.  

This weekend is going to be hectic busy because I have to create a book of some of my drawings and other works for portfolio.  Most of it is at home so I’ll have to get Mom to ship it to me here.  That’ll take a day or two and then I have to scan it all in and create a layout for everything and then have it printed, all by next Tuesday.  Plus, I don’t even have a lot of work to put into the book so I’ll have to be drawing up a storm so that’s going to suck big time.  

I really hate that class.

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