
For the past several weeks, I’ve been surrounded by snot.

Yes, I am an allergy sufferer.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve been susceptible to sneezing when the pollen comes a callin’.  But ever since I moved to school, it’s been twice as bad.  I remember my first spring here was a killer.  I had just recovered from a particularly nasty cold and felt like i was going through round two.  It was basically the same sickness except I didn’t feel like I was dead.  But the sneezing and wheezing was as present as ever. 

I tried every over the counter allergy medicine I could find and nothing seemed to work.  When I was younger, Benadryl always did the trick but it also made me pass out, so it wasn’t the best choice for taking during the day.  I basically suffered through the spring until I was finally able to go home and get away from all of those low hanging, moss laden trees that collected pollen like a magnet and then sprayed it in my face any time I walked by.

And here we are again, I’m sitting here with one nostril running, one stuff up.  My nose hurts from the constant wiping with tissues.  My eyes feel like they are on fire from the itchiness.  What is it about rubbing your eyes when they itch that feels close to heaven?  You scratch an itch anywhere else, sure it feels good but nothing compares to rubbing itchy eyes.  I could probably sit down and rub my eyes for thirty minutes straight.  No better feeling.

So, I feel like a druggie.  I’ve bought all kinds of allergy medications to try to combat my sniffles and snot rockets.  I’ve got something to go on my  nose, something to go in my nose, and something to course through my system.  I’m hoping something will help alleviate my sucky symptoms.  

I’m pretty sure my deviated septum isn’t helping matters.  Ever since the ENT told me about it while I was getting my mystery lump checked out, I’ve blamed it for all my troubles.  It’s why I can’t breathe correctly.  It’s why I have so much phlegm.  It’s why I’m fat.  It’s why television continues to show Rock of Love.  It’ll be the death of me.

If anyone has any great allergy medication recommendations, that would be fantastic if you’d shoot them my way.  Anything but Claritin.  For one, it doesn’t work and I just found out it could possibly cause impotence.  Yikes.  It’s not like I use my jackhammer but when the opportunity presents itself, I’d like for it to be fully functional, thank you much.

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