i am not happy and want more so i have to say goodbye

yes, so much i will miss and want, but overall, he makes me unhappy. he does not value me. and i want someone who does. soemone who wants me and likes me and wants to be with me and spend time. hes so fickle, he will for little spurts of time then its opposite. i don’t want to do it anymore. i have to accept giving him up and move on, do my own thing. hes always so focused on him doing his thing. fine. go do it. leave me alone, i will leave you alone. do not even attempt to say you miss me or think of me or say happy birthday. i want no contact. its nothing. or everything i want. tired of settleing for less. putting up with less than i want and should get. its so easier said than doing. i usually give in and go back or contact first and do the most work/actions to reestablish our relationship. its been 6 years. oh. tired. gotta go sleep

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