Drunken Chaos

 I’m at work right now, and since the girls are currently napping, I’m finally going to sit down and write about what happened with my mom back in May…

Between working at the preschool and being a nanny, I decided to take two weeks to visit my family. Upon arrival, my mother was already drunk and by luck just happened to call me just as my plane had landed. She hadn’t gone to sleep at all that night, and instead drank herself into obnoxiousness. After struggling to understand her and failed attempts at holding a conversation, I ended the call and promised her I’d see her soon.
A few hours later, on 2 hours of sleep and no nap at that point, my aunt and uncle and two cousins come to visit me at my grandma’s… My mom, sister, and I drove there from my mom’s  house. Things were kind of okay to start with, but my mom was still intoxicated and was making a fool out of herself. She was having a hard time filtering her language and kept egging on my cousins, making them misbehave, even after several requests that she stop. Finally, my uncle had enough and they started an argument. My mom ended up leaving, my day was ruined, and I had a meltdown because of my lack of sleep. So, that was the first day of my trip to Wisconsin.
The rest of my trip ended up being pretty uneventful. I ended up not seeing much of my mom, because she does get pretty preoccupied with her life… Then, the day before I leave my mom calls me, drunk out of her mind yet again. She wanted me to come down to the bar to see her before she left. I refused, because 1. My brother, his girlfriend, and my niece were visiting me. 2. Drinking really isn’t my thing. 3. It was late already, almost 11pm, and I had to get up early to make it on my plane on time. She didn’t seem to understand that, but I figured I’d see her in the morning and she would laugh about it like usual…
Well, morning comes… I wake up, eat a little breakfast, and sit on the couch and talk with my grandma a bit. She tells me that my mom called her last night, probably around 2 or 3am, and said that my mom told her that she thinks she hit Kenny with the truck and didn’t know what to do. (Now, my mom loves to make up stories. She says stuff like this all the time and thinks its hilarious.) I looked at my grandma and told her not to worry… I told her about all the stories that my mom has made up and told me. Then I pointed out, if she had really hit him with the truck, do you think she’d be able to call you? My grandma agreed, but mentioned she hadn’t been able to get ahold of my mom since then.
I had to head to my dad’s house because we needed to head to the airport in about an hour or two. I went downstairs to talk to my sister, and she said she had been getting phone calls, from numbers she didn’t recognize, all night. She had finally listened to one of her voicemails… My mom actually did hit her husband with the truck, and was now in jail. She had 6 possible felonies against her and her husband was in the hospital. I still had a hard time believing it, so I looked up the inmate directory in the county jail… Yep, it was true…
I found all of this out less than an hour before I had to head to the airport.
Some "vacation" that was…
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(I’m getting tired of looking at my phone screen, and my head hurts as it is, so I will continue this later…)

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