
Could it be that so many years have passed between us that we are not to the point where we have settled comfortably with each other? Yes, we have our share of heated discussions, but when, in all seriousness, was the last time that we argued? Or had a fight?

It is not merely you do your thing and I do mine, though it does appear that way to me, and I’m sure to you too, doesn’t it? I could ask, but already know what the response would be, “Well, yeah” or, perhaps, “Your ass is out”

Be that as it may, attempts to bring the spice back into our lives has been met with stoic silence or “What the fuck are you doing?”

No romance there, you know? So what to do? What to say? Is there anything that can be said?

I am not deviant. Though I could be I suppose, but I would prefer this to be a team effort rather than me versus you or you versus me.

Wow… I almost, almost, did one of those “Woe is me” thingies. That bites. So listen up … things are going to be changing around here and I believe them to be for the better.

With you or without you and that is not an ultimatum because it is what it is.



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ryn: you know, it took me a long time writing here before i found my groove. i forced myself to come here every day and write about my boring life and tried to make it interesting though and little by little i got better and better. i started paying attention to other writing styles and kind of found my place. all i’m saying is that writers aren’t born.