Crazy Boys and other Holiday Cheer (snort)

baboo woke me up about 45 minutes ago.

jerk face, i wanted to sleep in.

he made me so mad last night. i wasn’t going to talk to him until tomorrow night.

but he’s got my poor little heart in a choke hold and I ended up not being able to carry out my petty crazy girl plan and I decided to talk to him and tell him why i was mad. because of course, he’s a boy an doesn’t realize when he’s done something ridiculous most of the time.

We made up and he was, once again, painfully cute and crazy and I wanted to reach through the phone and beat his face and this kiss all his bruises. *sigh*

I couldn’t stay in bed because my two boy monsters have decided that they want to be wrestlers.


YES. so now they wrestle and say stuff like

"This isn’t over yet!!!!"

and "I have you now!"

and "You’re gonna paaaaaay!!!!"

I thought they only did that on tv.

nope, it’s real.

boys are really like that… wow.

and i have TWO OF THEM.

my god.

i need a girl to balance this matrix.

but my luck is that i’ll get another boy and he’ll be the most rambunctious insane one of them all.


or i’ll just get nothing and have to learn to shut up about wanting more kids.

i was thinking this morning. *ouch*

Is it love when you’re willing to sacrifice your dreams to make someone elses come true? And if so, shouldn’t it be that the other person who should be in love with you back is willing to sacrifice their dreams for yours?

and so in the end it balances out and more than likely you both get at least a little bit of what you want?

being philosophical before 8 AM is a bad idea.

Guess what I’m gonna do?

Go play Sims… I’ll be away from them for 2 whole days! Mercy!

I also have to leave here before 11… MORE MERCY! (My roast smells delicious though! I thought evil roommate might have unplugged my crock last night cuz i actually heard the lid of the pot get lifted and it made me livid. it was around MIDNIGHT. He woke me up with all his slamming and banging around in the kitchen. He’s such an insensitive twat. I hate him! So i went out after he went into his room and all was well, but that fucking punk needs to leave my shit alone damn it. Now he’s out there making gross boy coughing sounds. I am so miserable here!)

I need an escape for a few hours… so a little Simming isn’t out of line.

I was thinking about cleaning my room.


But… uhhh no thanks.

I shall also do major Nano writing on Saturday, that is the day I’ve told myself to finish my word count.

So Saturday it shall be.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope it’s at least a decent day. I know not everyone has a family to go to and not everyone has a good time when they do go to family. but there it is.

OH, one more thing. My little brother wrote me again. He really misses me. His letter made me cry and I really need to send them their stuff so they can know i still love them and i’m not a total wreck of  a sister. I guess they have reconciled with my aunt and are out in this area for the holiday. I’m glad. Something makes me think we might end up seeing everyone around Christmas, but I’m not holding my breath.

Yeah. sad times when a whole chunk of your family is cut off.


I am thankful for my children and my family, my life and the blessings it has despite all the drama. I am thankful for my sanity and for someone up there watching out for me, cuz I really believe I am cared for by something that is way bigger than me. I am thankful that I have a place to go to today, that even though it will be crowded with people and I feel anti social and evil, i will be warm and safe and loved. I am thankful for my sweet Baboo, even if he ‘s a big butthead sometimes, he really is so special and awesome to me. And finally, I am thankful for all of you and I guess OD too, because without this place I wouldn’t have so many of you that I call my closest and dearest friends.


and without this place I wouldn’t have Baboo either.

Funny huh.

So once again, I hope you all have a great holiday.

I love you guys!

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November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving:)

“and so in the end it balances out and more than likely you both get at least a little bit of what you want?” yes yes yes you get it.

November 27, 2008

happy thanksgiving, mama. youre right about the kid thing…be careful what u wish for cuz u might end up with the rowdiest boy you’ve ever seen!

November 27, 2008

Awww. Love ya back hun! 🙂 And also hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday today! 🙂 Hugs.!

November 27, 2008

Ha, my brothers were the same way growing up. Always wrestling, and saying things like that. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!

November 28, 2008

why are you so cut off from your fams girl? That guy needs to leave your goddamned crock pot alone.

November 28, 2008
November 29, 2008

No entries today?? Weird. Where did you run off too?

November 29, 2008

Hope you enjoyed your TG!

November 29, 2008

you just put a post it note on your crockpot saying don’t touch me. I actually have a little pink heart shaped one on my computer speakers saying so. I keep them at one set volume and only adjust the volume on my pc via my keyboard. A friend likes to mess with the volume on the speakers when they come over. They were over today and no touchy. 🙂 Yay post it note. hehe

November 29, 2008

Hope your thanksgiving was wonderful and look forward to more story. I haven’t left a note about it at all cuz I read it at work on the psp and it won’t let me leave notes for some reason. But I’ve greatly enjoyed reading it and look forward to more. 🙂

December 1, 2008

the love question: I think its more of infatuation when the feelings arent mutual. I don’t know, just my take.