Final Fantasy XIII-2, my first impressions

OK, so, if you hate Final Fantasy or have something stupid or mean to say about it, just go away. I’m not in the mood. There’s your warning. If you insist on leaving a snarky ass note, expect to get one back!


I got my collectors edition game and strat guide and I’m VERY VERY pleased! I wish I had a collectors edition of the first game!

but anyway, here is what the game came with:

*A really cool box that looks like a book

*A bunch of pages of artwork inside of the game sleeve


I was over the moon with the soundtrack! I love FF music!!!

The guide was hard cover bound with that soft padded stuff, and has these built in bookmarks, which I really like having instead  of raggedy pieces of paper! The entire thing made me twirl with joy. LOVE IT.

So I didn’t end up playing the game first thing, I was "smarter" than that. Plus I had a head splitting headache and it wouldn’t have been as fun.

so I popped the game in yesterday and was very pleased with my initial impressions.

First, it recognizes previous XIII saves. So if you have the first game and beat it, you get cool surprises and stuff in the second game! It did make me realize I want to finish the first one before I get too deep into the second one so I don’t miss anything. I decided I’d keep playing a bit to see how things were.

Opening movie is awesome, as should be expected and I was really happy to get thrown into some combat right away. It’s pretty  much the same as the old system, just a little faster I think. I started out on "easy mode" but I’m pretty sure I can handle "normal" for now. You can change it any time you want, which is cool for me!

but the combat was so dynamic! I felt like I couldn’t look at everything at once! I won’t mind playing that part again because it was just so epic.

Visuals, music, the feel is gorgeous as always. I think I drooled a little because it’s just my favorite game series evar and while others are disappointed with some of the recent additions, I’ve really enjoyed them. so poo on the haters!

Great new additions:

*You can save at almost any time! No more save spheres! I’m happy about that because I really hate getting stuck in a  place far away from a save spot and either having to give up everything I did or play for an extra hour just to get to a save spot. So that’s a great feature.

*A lot more interactive stuff! Like, in the beginning I got to choose what my character thought was happening and I think it has impact on the story later on. I like that a lot.

*No waiting for all the combat stuff! I didn’t have to wait to get paradigms or any of that, it’s available really fast. So I liked that.

Down sides?

*Lots of loading times so far, but it’s understandable with how pretty it all is!

So I only played about an hour, but I really can’t wait to get back into it! I’m going back to the first game to finish it tho. I’m about half way through so I’m hoping if I put in some good time I can be ready to jump into my new game soon!

I did spoil the ending of the first game for myself, but WHATEVER, I still wanna play it out!


So that’s all my video game nerd talk.

My  head is starting to hurt and I’m starving today. I really don’t think Nugget is getting enough food, but I’m following my diet (I just cheated and ate some almonds! ha ha!) so whatever.


Oh yeah, I have a ticker. Look at that!



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        Humanity Scar   


 (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)  

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RYN: Thank you! 4 discs of BGM…RPG BGM…sounds like heaven…Take pics of the discs….Have fun playing it…I know I would…*envies you*

sounds interesting, but I am not getting influenced by you to buy it !!! no damn it, I have to complete this monster of the game. I am in Skyrim purgatory! plus i am going to be a frugal ole bastard and wait for the prices to come down. Yes i will… hope the headaches go the hell away…i hate those damn things…

February 2, 2012

I am hoping when our living arrangement changes, my availability to play video games will increase. :/ I miss video games and the ability to kill an hour or ten and have it feel like not much time has actually passed. I do n’t have a lot of time to kill, but it does happen sometimes. The only FF I had trouble getting into was 8? That’s the one with the card game right?

That is awesome that it recognizes the previous game!

February 2, 2012

Fawk! Now I need to buy this! Very good review. I’m shivering with antici…pation.

February 2, 2012

Hey, hey! I need your help. You like anime, right? Am I right in thinking that? I have no idea. anyway, do you know of any movies that are done like the opening movies of Final Fantasy games? I know Advent Children was done like that and was awesome, but I’m looking for others. Do you know of any? I’ll give you chocolate if you do.

February 2, 2012


February 2, 2012

RYN: Thank you! Don’t you think an entire film done in the Final Fantasy cut scene style would be incredible? I know they tried it with some Resident Evil films, but they were so wooden and awkward.

February 2, 2012

I am so jealous! I finished the first game once, but lost all my saves when someone stole my memory! ARGH!!! I still havent beat it a second time…and actually I didnt beat it, I was at the very end, the last boss. So glad you can save anytime, that was frustrating.

February 2, 2012

hey thx for the tip. i was thinkin about gettin’ this for my son