gone in 5 seconds

I’m totally buzzing off the coffee I had this morning.

I havent’ felt like this since the last time I took dayquil.

don’t you wish your body reacted to things like mine?

hahahaha, i’m obviously super sensitive to stimulants.

So yeah I feel like sorta bouncing and singing and zipping around in circles.


cuz i’m at work and while they all know i’m crazy, they don’t think i’m THAT KIND of crazy.


it’s only a matter of time.

I have made it over a year and a half without revealing too much.

but they’re on to me.

oh yes they are.

wow, i’m a loopy von loopster right now.

I wish I could be at home rolling around in my bed.


I really have minimal work right now. I am doing this stupid "check to see if someone else did their work" thing.


I did a big splurge of stuff, but i guess i’m too efficient (or hyped up on coffee) because I got it done in an hour.

still 2 hours till lunch.


my attention span is about 5 seconds.

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my day is TOO slow, too. all my work has been done since like two hours before lunch. and now i still have 3 and a half hours left to sit here and just… sit. haha.

July 23, 2009

Coffee does the same to me. Dolce got me a frozen coffee thing the other day and forgot to get it decaf and I thought it was so nice that I drank it anyway. Yeah. Then I didn’t go to sleep until 4 AM.

July 23, 2009


July 23, 2009
July 23, 2009

I am too.. this is why I rarely drink coffee. It makes it hard to even sit down. I’m like zim zam zoom!!!

“I wish I could be at home rolling around in my bed.” That may be the hottest thing EVAR. 😉

Can I have some of your coffee? I would SO rather be in bed right now sleeping. I cant wake up this morning.

July 23, 2009

Huh..Yeah! And MY attention, can’t seem to be anywhere else, for long, with going back to dwell on the thoughts in my head! (Waiting for this thing to clear up, ya know!) Uggggggh! I’d rather be thinking about anything else right now!

I hate when I’m hyped up on caffine and confined to a space. What kind of work do you do? I definately don’t miss the office scene. The drama, the boredom, the daydreaming of where else I could be at the time. I do however, miss the adult interaction.

Haha! I totally remember your Dayquil entries. People at my school don’t know my true personality, because I’m so quiet there. Work people, I believe, are catching on though.