Random nothings in your ear

You know what I hate?


Especially anvils that are suspended over my head.

That’s how I feel right now.

We had this useless meeting where we were basically told they have approved the action for the furlough days to be in effect, but we don’t know when they’ll make us do it. It could happen NOW… or as early as next week… or maybe NEVER. I have NO FREAKING IDEA. It’s so mind numbing!

We also have no idea what’s happening with lay offs. It’s just looming.


In a form of suspended animation over my head.

Following me.

i hate this crap.

I was just glancing through the walk through for my game (p4) last night, and I accidentally read a spoiler that ruined the ending. OOps! I’ll still play, but I could probably beat the game this weekend. it’s not as long as the other one was…


I still nead to beat my new Final Fantasy. Hell, I’ve never even beat X-2.

I’m lazy like that.

I also have 2 Xenosagas I want to replay and 10 more games I’ve not even come close to finishing.

Dragon Quest is one of them. I miss that game.

Suikoden… yeah…

Indigo Prophecy.

I need to play shiz.

And I can’t forget my Sims! Sims 3 is coming out next month.

I might pee my pants about it.

Watch, it won’t run on my computer and I’ll have to cry for a year because I can’t afford a new computer for at least that long… and even then, who knows.

New computers are luxuries I might not be able to afford for along time. *sigh*

Anyway… what else.

I have a headache.

22 minutes of work left.

I’m still going to the gym.

I haven’t had a chance to really read ANY favs…

At least I have a 4 day weekend coming up.

I hope everyone is fabulous!

Log in to write a note

X-2 sucked, Vii will ALWAYS be the best! Damn. You’re making me miss my video games. You’re making me miss Fallout 3… Dragon Quest rocked, ever play Monster Hunter on the PSP?

Oh, and if I never mentioned it before…You REALLY don’t look 30. You look so much younger 🙂

May 21, 2009

Reminds me of the Animaniacs cartoon… and their episode on “the Anvil Chorus”… odd that I remember that… And I’m drooling over the games. I have the first two Xenosaga games, Suikoden, and pretty much all the Final Fantasys. Though I haven’t beat X-2 either… haven’t actually got very far in that one. Enjoy your long weekend!

May 21, 2009

I have a headache too… but I am definitely NOT going to the gym!! lol. <3

May 21, 2009

(hug) I hate that feeling (of anvils). We just found out that Alex and I will probably NOT get to see each other until June 19th. WTF? And not talk… *shakes head*

May 21, 2009

I hate anvils too and I know how they tend to hang over you all the time.

Holy discouraging hell, batman! Jeez, I’d be an anxious ball of mess if I had to go through that.

x-2 wasfun. But get suikoden. play it. its awesome. 🙂 Chris

May 21, 2009

So excited about Sims 3, better work on my computer!

May 21, 2009

Pee about it! LOL! “Smiles.” You’re nuts hun!

May 21, 2009
May 21, 2009

Ugh I hope everything goes alright with your job :S

May 22, 2009

I’m bad about starting games and never finishing them. I just leave them half played, come back later, have no idea what I was doing and have to start over.

May 22, 2009

the anvil sucks…and it freakin hurts when it falls. (sorry, I’m all bitter right now about being laid off)

I saw a billboard in San Francisco “Sims 3”! I was like “omg *squeel*” but I don’t think this computer will run it. It’s already slow with Sims 2. I tried looking at the teasers for it, and those wouldn’t even run properly. Thanks for supporting me and leaving me all those lovely notes, even though I feel like I’ve been a jerk. I am trying not to be. This battle is harder then I thought. *hugs you tight* yay one week from today.!!!!!

May 22, 2009

Man, gaming takes up a lot of time, i don’t know how you keep up, lol.

May 22, 2009

I’m counting down the days!! I have just a little over a week until the game is released! I’m scared it won’t run on my computer, or it won’t run well. I’m nervous if I uninstall sims 2 and then lose everything (and all my custom downloads! What will I do on Sims3 without my custom downloads!!)

FYI on the Sims 3. Very little objects. You have to BUY more stuff. Like real money, online. Also, no memories like in Sims 2. BS I tells ya. I think I will pass on this one. I have followed EA since the beginning, but I believe this is my stopping point. $60 for the game and then another $20 or more for things to go in it right off the bat? No thanks.

May 25, 2009

I* feel your pain