tickertastic and ramblings of insanity




My ticker is so cute right?

I think so. ha ha. Look at that car. Zooooom.

I wonder if it’ll show up right.

As it stands now I don’t care. I’m just all excited. I know i’m crazy.

I’m also bored.

completely out of my skull. It’s to the point that I tried to write on my story and it fizzled into some weird sort of erotic horror scene and I was like "oh god, I have to stop"

ha ha.

Erotic horror is only good when written well.

"She pushed the knife into his chest while he pushed his penis into her throat" just isn’t good writing.

No. it’s not.


Ididn’t even write that, but it almost went there.

Ok, so hi.

what’s up.

do you like my ticker?

my Dayquil was a failure today. It makes me sad. I’m sneezing that yucky painful sneeze that HURTS IN MY THROAT and I really just wan to go home and sleep.

That means I will probably not post any Sim pics tonight. Unless I get home and feel tons better, it might be a weekend event.

hahaha event.

oh lord i’m insane.

Someone wanted to see how they move but I’m not sure Youtube will allow such a video. hahahah. it’s pretty graphic. maybe if I put up the blurs… I don’t know.


I’m so lame that I just got a text message and I thought it was Love Muffin… I am sad to say it was just ATT trying to sell me more crap.


i wanna talk to anyone bu you! ATand Trash!


I can’t wait to see her.

People have some questions about it, but if anyone was reading back that far, she was gonna come visit me a few months ago and things fell through, so now it’s definitely time for us to hang out.

It’s sorta like… I know we have to meet and spend time together. No question. things got a little weird for a second, but now it’s like nothing ever happened and i just want to be around her.

it’s so strange.

Anyhow. I have like 45 minutes of work left.

This just sucks.

My throat hurts and my nose is on strike and really I just want to go home and sleep.

said that you dummy!!!!

yeah i did.

i have been peeing so much it’s stupid. peeing clear water is annoying now. As proud as I can be about having such a flushed clean system, it’s annoying to go pee at least once an hour. not cool at all body!


I need new music.

I wish I was getting an ipod for christmas. that would be so amazing.

I’m gonna end up buying my own stuff tho. My own digi  camera and my own ipod and my own everything.

that’s fine, but STILLLLLL.


ok, so i’m rambling and this is boring and my head is leaning to the left in such a fashion as to make you think i might have too much brains to hold it up straight.

and you’d be right.

the burden of having such a big brain is a struggle i carry inwardly.

nobody knowwwws the trouble i knoooooooow.


ok ok, so i exaggerate.

but its ok cuz nobody is still reading this anyway.


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December 11, 2008

HAHA… no reading?

December 11, 2008

I randomly read this from the front page. I read it all the way through!LOL. The fact that you have a big brain shows through in your writing. Dan

December 11, 2008

LOL – You’re funny! Yes… Why yes, I like your ticker. It’s SO CUTE! =D RYN: I emailed ya back. =P

December 11, 2008

You say it sucks that you have only 45 mins of work left… earlier you had 45 mins to lunch…. see, time’s a ‘tickin! lol. =) DAMN YOU! I wanna see dirty sims pics!!! NOWWWW! Hope you feel better!!!

December 11, 2008

I read it 🙂 Yes, ryn, boys are stupid and they definately share the same book. Some dodgy well thumbed motherf*cker that explains, in detail, how to be as assholey as one can possibly be, and still make the girls run after them! Pah. heh…we shall wait and see what happens….and go you and love muffin woot woot for roadtrips and tickers (the car looks just like my sister’s – weird!)

December 11, 2008

love your ticker, mama!

December 12, 2008

what are you getting the kids for christmas

December 12, 2008

Are you and Baboo exchanging gifts?

Hope you feel better soon!!!