to coffee or not to coffee…


It’s one of those days where I keep typing things and deleting them. 

Oh well.

I’m going to be making a bunch of phone calls today. I’m hoping they are quick and painless. I really HATE phone calls. Any second now my old supervisor will be in and we’ll start talking about it.

I’m wearing another one of my cute new shirts today.

I figured out why they make me feel so pretty:

1. They are made of really nice fabric. It’s soft and silky and light.

2. They are the right size so they don’t squeeze on my stomach and make me look blorpalicious.

and 3. They have great colors and styles. The one I’m wearing today is a bright blue with black flowers and leaves. It has sorta "poofy" sleeves and a ruffled neckline. It makes my chest look smaller, but I don’t care, my titties are stupid anyway!

I have a new zombie book that I’m reading called Monster Nation by David Wellington. It’s the book after Monster Island (I bought and read that one a few months ago). This author is really amazing in that for both books, the first few pages had me squirming and sorta wiggling away, like I want to put the book down because the images are so intense, but I can’t put it down because it’s such a compelling storyline.

That is what I hope to incite in my readers one day.

Ah dreams.

Anyway, I sorta hated the last book because of the premise behind it all, but the writing was so good and the storyline was such that I read it right through and even though I was like "blah to that!" I was also like "hell yeah to that!"

So yeah, he’s a great author in the genre. I can’t wait to read some more. I read on the train so I get like 15 minutes in per ride. It sorta sucks, but I will probably read at home tonight. Baboo and I are going to try and read more. Put on some nice music through the satellite and the spiffy new speakers and just chill and read.

It’ll happen more likely cuz of the cut down in drinking.

I think he’s really on board with me. We can dooooo it!

He also has to start volunteering somewhere on the weekends, and it’s gonna be like an entire day, so he can’t be a drunkard anyhow! I’ll miss him though. I hate when he’s gone.

Of coruse, that means I’ll get a full day of video games in! woot! Right now we have to share and I’m more likely to surrender the PS3 to him because I am moody with my games and I don’t like when they watch me cuz "my games are boring"… WHATEVER.

Dragon Age is not boring! It’s a freakin RPG! You have to spend time running around villages talking to people. It’s the nature of the game. You’re playing a role. It’s more realistic! You get to submerge yourself into another world! The RPG’s that don’t have towns are always a bit odd to me… (However, Baboo is playing Killzone 2, and that game is AMAZING. I really like it, I wish I could play shooters! But I just die!)

So yeah, where did that tangent come from?

Anyway, if you didn’t notice and you’re interested, I posted a bunch of BBD yesterday. I will probably write a bit more on it in the weeks to come and post. I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I did it. I didn’t think that much time had passed! Bad author! Bad!

Alright, I need to get my butt going. I’m forgoing the mocha today. I think I had a caffeine overdose yesterday. I was so antsy and crazed. No coffee for me today! (though I miss it. I might just have to have it. But later… later…)




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    Take a sneak peek at my website in progress!


  Last Words (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)

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June 29, 2010

“blorpalicious” lol This is my word of the day. If only other people would use it so I could go PeeWee’s Playhouse on them.

June 29, 2010

have 3 cups of coffee and play Killzone, you’ll go nuts

June 29, 2010

Shirts that make us feel pretty are the bestest. Like cute shoes that fit. It’s one of life’s little miracles. 🙂 Like authors that pull is in even if the story is kinda dumb. I’ve got one of those too.

Why is he volunteering?!

June 29, 2010

Dragon age is…AWESOME. <3 you for Dragon Age.

June 29, 2010

I forgot to say that it was sweet that he bought you new clothes. Yay for being spoiled. 🙂 Good man you got. I need to read more too. If I could get my boy to sleep earlier then I could spend an hour or so reading every night. I’ll have to work on that.

June 29, 2010

RYN: Thanks.

June 29, 2010

Yay for cute clothes! Yay for good books!

I love the words you come up with… blorpalicious. And, I hate making work related phone calls too. Soo… have fun with that.

June 29, 2010


June 29, 2010

I can’t figure out the chapter view on your diary! Damnit! lol.

I love RPG’s. My ex used to tell me that all I ever did was run around in circles. Pa-sha! Thats how you play the game. You run around until you stumble on something. 🙂

June 29, 2010

That looks weird as to why your entry is somewhat stretched out. Reading books and listening to music like that does sound nice! Yeah. Mocha’s also have their weird times of effecting me too. I like when they don’t. I just like to enjoy the taste of it. Would you kill me if I asked the same questions about this color of your background, and the color of the entry font, and also the color of

June 29, 2010

the title font as well? Lol. I know I can be a bug, but trying to find the same one’s, don’t usually tend to prove to be totally successful for me. And, since, lol, you’d unintentionally forgotten to give me the last one, you said I could have, then…this one could kinda make up for it. (When you have one of your less busy moments, of course!) Thanks!

June 29, 2010

Always coffee.

June 29, 2010

yay for cute clothes!!! 🙂 have the coffee… you know you want to! 🙂

Randomed over from a random… I love the word Blorpalicious!

no coffee?! insanity!

July 2, 2010

I want to see a picture of the pretty blue shirt with black flowers!!!! SHOW ME NOW! *pouts*