
Did I mention something about self-fulfilling prophecy earlier in my entry?  It’s scary how it works.  As I drove up to NC for a trip today, for a brief second, my car crashing head first popped into my head.  I blew it off.  I’m a careful driver, that won’t happen to me.

A few hours down the line, some idiot in a red car is merging into the same lane at the same time I am.  I swerve to miss him, but my car fishtails, spins around and hits the wall head on.  My air bag inflates and my head hits the air bag.  That all happened around 4 this afternoon.  I’m fine.  Face a little scratched up from the airbag but nothing else is wrong.  My car…my first car…the one I paid all on my own…my own little dream car is totaled.  But I am a live and looking at the car you wouldn’t think I would be.

There are so many good people in this world.  I think we forget that.  Many stopped to help me.  Gave me phones when I couldn’t find my own.  Called 911, called my phone so I could find it.

My mom was so scared.  I think I was scared for her.  Now I just want it all to be over.

I just can’t help but think that if I left a second later…if I had stopped to eat lunch…if only…if only…

I think what’s freaking me out the most is the fact that I saw it happening before it happened.  I don’t believe in psychic stuff.  I don’t.  But all I know is that earlier, I pictured it in my head.  I pictured myself crashing…and then it happened.  Coinsidence I’m sure…but it’s still freaking me out.

Now I"m just hoping for a good night’s sleep.

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February 18, 2008

Holy crap, that’s eerie….. i’m glad you’re safe. -terrified of car crashes-

February 18, 2008

Ouch. Glad you’re okay!

February 19, 2008

you’re . . . alive? no pun intended. glad you’re okay, though. stay safe.

February 19, 2008

I’m not sure that I believe in coincidence. I’m really glad that you’re okay.

February 20, 2008

oh dear… car accidents are the worst! I remember feeling shaky for days after mine whenever i got back into the car. I’m so glad you’re okay though! I doubt it was coincidence… it is weird. I’m not sure what i think of it, except that i would be freaked out too. —

February 29, 2008

I am so glad you’re okay! Driving in NC and SC was always so scary for me. Dangerous drivers. But I agree… thinking that before it happens is scary. Women have that kind of… intuitive sense. Sometimes its a sign of something greater to come that you will need to pay attention for. good luck with everything!