My horoscope for today:

Aren’t you tired of switching your amazing personality on and off to match what you think people require from you? It looks so exhausting. Take a break. It’s so much easier to just be you in the long run.

I hate feeling stupid and I HATE people who make me feel stupid for no good reason.  I hate when I have to ask a question because I know that the answer is going to come back in a condesendng and unsatisfing way!!  Having to work for a living sucks!  I now understand why there are so many people out there who say they want to be their own boss.  Working for others sucks!  I thought it was just my last job, but it’s not.  Even at this job that I thought I would love, I’m annoyed all the time.  And the worst part of it all??  I have to work until I’m 65 and I’m not even 30 yet so it means another 35 years of putting up with people.  What sucks is that it’s still the lesser of two evils for me.  I don’t know that I could handle the stress of having my own company and being my own boss!  People suck!  Oh and my horoscope for today???  BWAHAHAHAAHAAA!!!  I don’t know if I should be laughing or crying!

And all this after writing my entry yesterday about being happy with my life because I know I’m better off than most people.  Well, it all sucks!!!  Life sucks!!  People suck!!  I want to be like the Little Prince and go off and live on a planet made for one!

*end of rant*

If you read this, thanks for indulging me.  I just needed to get it out.


I used to want to work for a company of men because women are too catty and back stabbing and emotional.  I thought with guys, it would all be straight forward and not confusing.  I was wrong.  Guys are as catty, but they are more sneaky about it so it’s not so in your face.  I work with a bunch of guys and lately I feel like the odd woman out.  I don’t get invited to lunch with the group.  I get left out of meetings when I do go to lunch.  I don’t get told certain things that they discuss when I’m not around.  I can work my ass off yet it’s the one stupid thing I do that is brought to my attention. Dino can do no wrong in my bosses eyes yet he’ll complain to me about him all the time.  ALL THE TIME.  Yet he says one thing in a meeting that makes sense and I get to hear all about what a great guy he is.  Where’s my praise?  Oh and where’s my raise?  I don’t make as much as Dino though my experience and education is more.  I don’t even get the extra little bonuses he used to get when he had to travel for work.  It’s a good ole boys club around here and I’m so fucking sick of it.  I don’t know what my choices are though.  Would it be any better if I went somewhere else?  Most likely not.   I’d either have to deal with catty women who talk behind my back and backstab each other or I’d have to deal with stupid men who think I’m inferior because I don’t have a penis!  You know how in the first Pirates of the Caribean movie they strand Jack on an island without anyone around?  That’s what I wish would happen to me.  I want to be on my own little island away from Capitalist Corporate America!  I could grow my own food….catch fish…build my own hut and just live a happy life without ever having to work for someone!!!

*sigh*  Can you tell I’m not having a good day at work?  But on the positive side, at least I have a job.

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July 20, 2006

Appropriate horoscope. I don’t think you can really win in the workplace. Women are horrible and if you’re a woman, getting in with the men is near impossible, so you’ll always be on the outside.

July 20, 2006

I wrote a similar entry just last night. I work with ALL guys and ugh it’s so annoying at times. I empathize!