Open Relationships

I forgot about OD for a bit there, and of course remembered it when I had something on my mind.

I knew it was coming, but my partner want’s to open our relationship.  I entered into a serious long term relationship with her knowing that she would at some point.  I’m definitely more monogamous leaning personally.  I have no issues with non-monogamy, I just don’t know how well I do it.

Someone from work asked her out.  She said no, but realized that she wanted to be saying no because she wasn’t interested, not because she had to because of relationship status.  I’m pretty sure she is interested in this person, but my only rule has been that neither of us date anyone from work (because we work in adjacent buildings at the same company in and I’m in her building all the time for meetings.  Our company is also notoriously employee unfriendly if they thing that something will damage their contract. They’ve fired people for way less than some public dating drama or petty bullshit.  Dating/sex within that atmosphere seems like asking for trouble.). She agreed.

We’ve had a few conversations about it in the past and I knew it was coming but it still caught me off guard.  A lot of my worry stems from possible change in the relationship.  I do fully believe she loves me and that this is a long term effort for both of us.  This is easily the best Because I knew the conversation was coming I did sit down and think about what I was worried about and what I thought was the root of those worries.  I also included problems that I thought I might cause.  I’m not super interested in having sex with someone who I don’t have an emotional connection with.  It doesn’t need to be strong, but it needs to be there.   I also crush super hard on people. I don’t know what it looks like when I’m in a relationship with someone I love deeply and am also crushing super hard on someone else.

I also worry about that the fact that I haven’t always had great luck finding people to date/hookup with in the past.  I can be shy and awkward and weird.  After a breakup I had in 2009 I was single until 2011 and despite trying to meeting people was wildly unsuccessful, even for hookups.  My gf says I’m just not marketing myself well enough, which I’m sure is true, but is also an unhelpful answer.  She’s gotten hit on and asked out multiple times in the last year, sometimes in front of me.  She won’t have any problems meeting and finding people when she wants.  She’s convinced it won’t be hard for me to meet someone, and I know she things I’m attractive and funny/charming/whatever so it’s harder for her to see, but it’s frustrating.

I don’t know.  I have a lot of thoughts on this and none of them are particularly orderly.

I think I’ll adjust to it and I think some good can come of it, but I’m currently just filled with worries, anxiety, and fear, one of which is that she’ll get tired of helping me through this, which I consciously know isn’t true.  She’s the one requesting this change and knows my thoughts on it and I think as a result there’s an extra emphasis on her being patient during the transition.

Anyone out there that wasn’t into being non-monogamous and tried it out for a partner and ended up being into it? Everyone in my life who has gone non-monogamous is someone who has always been into it and made the shift at some point.


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September 17, 2018

If you aren’t 100% into this, why would you even consider it? I don’t mean to be blunt, but you don’t *have* to submit to her request for an open relationship. If you have ANY reservations, you have to say no (for right now or for always, up to you). Any doubts, any hesitance, any worries are only going to be exacerbated when she’s dating and you aren’t, and that doesn’t speak well for a long-term relationship.

(This is my opinion, not spoken from experience. I was asked by one BF to be “open”, but I had entirely too many questions / insecurities to make it successful, if I even wanted to. As a woman, a lot of times it’s easier for us to find partners (esp no-strings), and that in itself can create a lot of hurtful feelings (unless you’re into being cuckolded, but that’s a while ‘nother story.)

September 17, 2018

@wayward_woman Thanks for the note!  I’m not entirely against it.  I think that there could be something good in it for me.  I’ve just never done it and I have a lot of questions and some worries over. I think a pretty accurate way I’ve been describing it is how I feel when I’m in line to get on a roller coaster I haven’t ridden before and I’m almost at the gate.  I’ve got a lot of nerves and I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I love roller coasters (my girlfriend in this weird, dumb analogy) and I don’t want to dismiss it out of hand.

I also entered this relationship with the understanding that she had a hard time being monogamous.  She’s been trying for two years and I respect her for it.  I can’t in good conscious not at least try it out.  We’ve also talked about what it looks like if I just can’t get into it.

I appreciate your feedback and I can be eager to please the people I care about, so keeping my own mental health and needs in mind is certainly important.


September 17, 2018

@chupacabraterror  I get the roller coaster analogy! And totally understand the excitement / nervousness / thrill of an “open” (ie. new) relationship. It’s good that you are willing to be open-minded and discuss this with her, I just hope you’re doing it for the right reasons (not bc she has a hard time remaining monogamous, but bc you truly want to do it). She dated YOU knowing you weren’t into open relationships, so I’m thinking you both knew what you were accepting when you started dating … Would she be willing to stay true to you if monogamy is what YOU wanted and needed?

I’m not being confrontational, I just hate to see someone potentially risk a relationship that works for something that might not. There are no guarantees either way, and this could totally work FOR you, or against you.  Depending on your commitment and comfort level.

I truly wish you the best, whatever you decide to do. Being true to yourself is most important, IMO, and I hope you think this through (and talk talk talk) before making any decisions.  I know there are couples that make “open” look easy – maybe you can be one of those couples.  🙂  My best.

September 17, 2018

@wayward_woman I really appreciate you being a sounding board and didn’t think you were being confrontational at all!  Thank you for the well wishes and the advice! 🙂

September 18, 2018
October 13, 2018

You know we did the whole open thing. My husband is like you pretty much all of your reasons were his. Being open didn’t work for him, it wasn’t something he felt he could get behind but he said because I wanted it. Long story short, that caused problems. I wanted a truly open relationship where both of us could act on whatever we wanted. I ended up being the only person open and it was awkward and difficult. Only do it because you want to. Not to please her because if you’re into it, it’ll cause problems. Also might help 🙂

November 2, 2018

@pulchritude Thanks for the advice and the tips.  Three weeks later and the relationship has fallen apart.  Not even over poly related stuff.  She just wants out.

November 3, 2018

@chupacabraterror oh no 🙁 I’m sorry to hear that