5 Years Ago….


It’s hard to believe that this time 5 years ago, I was sitting in the NICU looking over my little baby and thinking to myself, how did I end up here? Well not much has changed truth be told. Now I just sit at the end of his bed and think to myself, when did that little 3 pound 2 baby grow into a fully older 5 year old?

I’m still finding it hard to believe that he has grown up so much and when did 5 years pass so fast?

Happy Birthday my little big man.




PS: Next baby update

Well I was naughty and slept in on Monday which of course meant that I missed my ultrasound appt, but I rang and was able to get in today! The doctor wasn’t in (stuck in traffic I was told) so the nurse did it. I have lots of follicles growing on the right side, no wonder why I’m so sore on that side. But the left side is taking over with a nice 12mm growing! Woohoo last month it was the right side and now this month the left, but maybe the left is my lucky ovary Going back on Friday to see how my follicles are growing I’m really keen to see how the left is going and what size it maybe. Fingers crossed this time next week i could be having my IUI. This dose is working much better and faster for me!

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*crosses fingers* Happy birthday to C!

Happy Birthday Callum! Oooh… good luck for next week, go lucky ovary, go! 😉

October 28, 2008

you are in my thoughts and prayers and hope that next week is your week and i know kids grow to fast

October 28, 2008

happy birthday to him, i swear time sneeks past and you say wait a second what happened…

Happy Birthday Callum!

Happy Birthday Callum!!! Wishing you luck girl!!