Callum’s Second Birthday Part One

Callum Turned two on the 28th of October. It’s hard to believe that only two years ago, I was Mothering a newborn child. That I sat with him everyday till he came home.

I had been waiting for this moment from the time he turned one. I wanted to plan a party for him, and set up all the decorations. To me, his first birthday felt lame. It felt like to me, that no one made a effort, so this year I wanted to change that feeling. I wanted Callum to enjoy a day with the people that he loves. With people that he wanted to celerbate with.

The backyard was just the perfect place. I spent a lot of time making the decorations.

It only took an hour to setup the backyard. In the end I was really happy with the way that everything looked.

The first people to arrive where our lovely friends from playgroup.

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You have a beautiful backyard. Happy Birthday Callum!!