My Next Baby Part Three


I’m still a bit on cloud  9 knowing that the IUI is really going to be Sunday. It feels like we are finally getting somewhere now! Woohoo

This is the second part to my injections. This will cover three injections.

Pregnly, is for the triggger shot to make me ovulate. This is what I have to take on Friday night. I have to break open the bottles with the black spot facing away from me. Then I need to take the Solvent and withdrawl it and then place it all into the powder in the second bottle. Wait for it all to dissolve then in a new needle withdrawl it all back up.


The last two injections are here for fours days after and then another four days after.

Im really not looking two this shots they have really big needles and the part of having to dissolve them kind of freaks me out a bit, But I know that I can do it.

Doesn’t it amaze you what we do to our bodies to forfill a dream?


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October 1, 2008

That does not look like fun! I wonder why the black dot has to face away from you when you open it

Eep :/

That’s honestly quite amazing… that there are specific chemicals used to achieve each of the steps! (I’m guessing that these medications cost quite a bit??) RYN: Yes, 11am on Friday suits me! Meet you in the admission area?

October 1, 2008

This reminds me of drawing up different immunizations–there is a sterile solution and the actual immunization. Is that like a 25G needle?

October 1, 2008

*ryn* Oy, they aren’t playing with that!

October 2, 2008

Wow good luck!