Sadness Interlude

I am feeling so down today. Its always rough when Man criticizes me in the morning. He says I always jump to the worst conclusions. Which just brings me down and makes me feel like garbage. I don’t know how not to immediately take that so negatively. Its so easy for me to hate myself. Its like my default settings are depressed, so the tiniest suggestion can send me spiraling.

I’ve been trying so hard to lift my own spirits this month. Bad days happen I guess.

And lo, I prayed to the Mórrígan just a moment ago and the dark cloud is lifted. Maybe there’s a connection forming, maybe I’m being presumptuous. In any case, my self loathing has currently receded and I have the strength to carry out the rest of this day.

Thoughts and prayers,



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October 26, 2020

I use to have hurt feelings every time someone would say something negative and then one day my now dead mother in law told me to get a thicker skin because I took everything so seriously and since that day i don’t have such hurt feelings about myself.

What is the Morrigan? 🙂 I’m always telling my sister Julie @juliebear to think positive.. I tend to think that way anyways. I am a Lunar Sagittarius and we are positive people. 😀