And for the next thing….

So I saw my doc, my internist, on Tuesday. I had blood work done as a follow up to the change to Lipitor (whatever the generic is), which was also twice as much as the Simvistatin I was taking.

The blood work showed marked improvement in everything but my triglycerides. Still need to bring those down.

I asked her about the nasty, embarrassing flatulence that I have been experiencing along with other symptoms that we attributed to the IBS (irritable bowel syndrome that I was recently diagnosed with). She recommended adding fiber–which seemed counter-intuitive (please know that I’m being vague to spare you TMI…but let me just say that I mentioned “explosive diarrhea” in front of 7yr old Asher, who had to be with me…and I thought I’d never hear the end of it….). She assured me that it was not.

Interesting aside: Nelson’s doctor had made a similar recommendation, going as far as to specifically suggest nightly Metamucil. I guess we are officially old.

Anyway. She suggested that perhaps I also my have a gluten sensitivity and that it might be a good idea to try a 2 week gluten free period. I was ready to sign on to anything to get better.

Later that evening, Nelson and I were at Aldi’s shopping and I just kept seeing all the things I love and can’t have…maybe ever. At first I was sad, but then I got over it.

I’ve found several sights with lots of creative recipes. Nelson and I ate out tonight and I was able to find food to eat. I have eaten as gluten free as I can for three days. Today I had some salad dressing (I forgot to read the label before I packed it in my lunch) on my salad and two burgers that had LaChoy soy sauce and had a little tummy issue, but not too bad. Did you know that in most soy sauces the first or second ingredient is wheat? I sure didn’t.

Just thought I’d bring you up to date on life as I’m coming to know it.

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August 30, 2013

getting old is just no damn fun! hope the dietary changes help.

August 30, 2013

Look for Paleo recipes as grains are FORBIDDEN in a Paleo Diet.

August 30, 2013

My blood work usually comes back ok, but my triglycerides are too high sometimes!!! Will you be coming back to WV??? Have a great weekend:) **hugs**

August 30, 2013

Dietary restrictions are no fun. Here’s hoping you get better soon.

August 30, 2013

going gluten free is extremely difficult. And there are items that are gluten that you would never know they are.

August 31, 2013

Isn’t is amazing how we have turned into our grandparents…..I keep telling everyone that I have suddenly “received” my grandpa’s stomach…..

August 31, 2013

I knew that soy sauce had wheat in it. My mother is SUPER sensitive to wheat. It is very tough but doable. I’m glad you are feeling better.

September 1, 2013

Sounds like you are ‘moving’ (no pun intended) in the right direction. I hope this resolves in short order.

September 5, 2013

RYN: That’s why I never get as many cookies as the recipe says I will!